

With our open forum, The Advertiser welcomes all content relevant to our industry. An independent online monthly magazine, we share the articles, ads, and updates our readers want to see. Use the contact form below to let us know what you would like to read or write next!

Share Your Success

Every day, component manufacturers celebrate events and achieve successes that deserve recognition. Be proud of your accomplishments and share your good news with our industry.

Promote your achievement Whether it’s a single photo with a caption for our Design of the Day, a short article with a picture or two, or even a lengthy article with diagrams, tables, and photos, pass it along! If you need assistance writing the story to accompany your submission, we can help with that too. Tell us about your success and we’ll work with you to present it in our pages.

Join the Conversation

From perennial problems to recent developments, our industry has lots of hot topics and lots of opinions on them. When your experience with a situation gives you insight which you would like to share, voice your thoughts in our open forum.

Speak Your Mind Whether it’s a new question you’d like to pose or an existing conversation you’d like to join, let us know what you would like to say. Your comments can take the form of a Letter to the Editor or an article. You provide the content and we’ll work with you on the best style and format for conveying your input.

Submit News, Info & Dates

Company press releases, meeting plans, workshop dates – tell us your news that’s relevant to our industry, and be sure that we have your important dates listed in our industry-wide calendar.

Contact Us

About Us

Our articles discuss:

  • Business strategies
  • Quality control
  • Design challenges
  • Technological advances
  • Codes and standards
  • Lean manufacturing
  • Personnel issues
  • Market demands
  • Industry developments
  • And more!

Submission Guidelines

Of course, everyone will be expected to use common sense and good judgment when relaying their comments for inclusion in an issue of The Advertiser. In turn, The Advertiser will work with all individuals who contact us so that we may present their views to our readers. Before being included in an issue, all comments will be reviewed by our editor for format, style, grammar, and content. After this step, the edited version will be returned to the original author – which means the author will be able to review, revise, and approve the version to be published. If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Our advertisers offer:

  • Manufacturing equipment
  • Handling equipment
  • Saws
  • Plates and software
  • Connectors and fasteners
  • Third-party inspection
  • Business consulting
  • Financing
  • Design services
  • And more!

Bonus content includes:

  • News and press releases
  • Industry-wide calendar
  • Photos, special features, and more!