If you’re traveling to next week’s National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) International Builders Show (IBS) in Las Vegas, you can see what can be done with trusses at The New American Home (TNAH), a “cliff-dwelling” with a distant view of the Strip. See also what can be done with a barren, rocky, otherwise inhospitable expanse of desert (with the aid of multi-million$). Again this year, after many years, it’s worth asking, “Is the world of trusses becoming flat, or sloping flat?” TNAH features some dual-sloping flat trusses, quite a variation from prior work by the same builder, SunWest Custom Homes.
In comparison, TNAH 2019 has parallel chord flats with plumb end details, over 7,134 sq. ft., maybe 5,000 lineal feet of product, with a smart configuration, twice as many top panels as bottom panels, and nearly flawless SPF material.

Are these flat trusses just a west coast anomaly? A contrary view can be found from the opposite coast, built in a sea of pitched apartment roofs. 
By the way, TNAH is a free and a pleasant diversion from the $21 nachos at Fontainebleau and other extravagances you’ll encounter in Vegas. And, you can take a ride through the Tesla tunnel with stops at the convention center.
For more on the 2015, 2021, 2022, and 2023 TNAH projects, see my March 2022 column, The Last Word on The New American Home.
For more information on flat roofs, see my March 2023 column, The Last Word–Is the Future Flat?
*TNAH photos courtesy of NAHB