Joe Kannapell, PE

How the Government Encouraged Prefabrication and Panelization in the 1930s and 1940s

Joe Kannapell, PE

Wall panels gradually insinuated themselves into the minds of homebuilders throughout the 1930s, helped greatly by government actions. As these builders were unable to sell their custom models during the Great Depression, a few of them experimented with lower-cost construction methods. The...

Joe Kannapell, PE

The Sears Precut Home – Gateway to the American Dream

Joe Kannapell, PE

Coming home from World War I to a severe shortage of housing, 4 million American men had little hope of achieving the American Dream of homeownership. In fact, that optimistic characterization hadn’t yet entered the American lexicon. Most new families were stuck in rental housing, or in...

Joe Kannapell, PE

The Near Demise of Once-Great Companies

Joe Kannapell, PE

To hide mental decline is nearly impossible, unless you’re the boss and have guardians, who are usually family members. I witnessed this with Walter Moehlenpah, owner of MiTek’s predecessor, Hydro-Air Engineering, and I had to leave the company before it nearly collapsed, as did many...

Joe Kannapell, PE

The Little Machine That Could…

Joe Kannapell, PE

An ingenious machine that is used in nearly every truss plant has been reborn 40 years after its introduction. It could fit in the back of a pickup truck, it sold for less than $5000, and it made an immediate impact. Yet, few would know the inventor, Donald Bowser, and know that his technology...

Joe Kannapell, PE

Two Tales: Survival or Not in the Component Business

Joe Kannapell, PE

One gentleman owned the best plant in a fast-growing town. The other worked for the best supplier in a fast-growing role. Both had what seemed to be unassailable credentials and both adapted well to changing market conditions. But only one would survive. Their tales tell a lot about survival in...

Joe Kannapell, PE

When the Small Builder Passed the Biggest

Joe Kannapell, PE

The story of how Jim Price, selling homes one-at-a-time, passed William Levitt, who sold one thousand in two days, contains a lesson for today. Although Price is not a name known to many while Levitt’s will be forever associated with his Levittowns, both pioneered production lines that...

Joe Kannapell, PE

A Welcome Diversion – The New American Home (TNAH) at IBS

Joe Kannapell, PE

If you’re traveling to next week’s National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) International Builders Show (IBS) in Las Vegas, you can see what can be done with trusses at The New American Home (TNAH), a “cliff-dwelling” with a distant view of the Strip. See also what...