
Stan Sias

Question of the Day: TPI Truss Design Standard

Stan Sias

With my local jurisdiction contemplating moving to the 2015 I-Codes, I keep hearing about a new truss design standard. Where can I get a copy of the referenced ANSI/TPI 1-2014? I am glad you asked. ANSI/TPI 1-2014 is a publication of the Truss Plate Institute ( ), and is the...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 4
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Seeing Things from a Higher Perspective

Anna Stamm

Gadgets. Upgrades. Fads. Some people love to get the next new thing as soon as they can, some people wait to see if it’s a lasting improvement or a passing craze. Me? I’m the kind of person who waits. I didn’t buy Laser Discs when they were hot, nor did I think SuperBeta was...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 8
Todd Drummond

Truss and Wall Component Manufacturing for a Lumberyard – Pros and Cons

Todd Drummond

Many lumberyards still do not have their own wood truss and wall panel manufacturing as part of their offerings to their contractors but are contemplating whether this might be a good investment. There are pros and cons to this type of big investment; if you have been doing any research, you...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 12
Carl Schoening

Where Have All The Good Men Gone? To Retirement

Carl Schoening

As I was pondering the latest loss of a great Truss Guy to “retirement” a thought began to rattle around in my head about all of the wonderful people I had a chance to work for, work with or simply enjoy a cocktail with over the years. Many of them retired or were retired, some we...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 14
Sean Hubbard

The History of the ORIGINAL Rolsplicer

Sean Hubbard

Truswal Systems Corp based out of the Dallas-Ft Worth region designed and built the first Rolsplicer in the early 80's. A revolutionary piece of equipment for its time when hydraulic units were populating the industry. Early marketing efforts even included a trailer mounted, traveling...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 16
Joe Halteman

Primer for Wall Panels

Joe Halteman

If you live in a wood frame home it was made with “wall panels”. No way? Way; because every wood frame home is built with “wall panels”. That’s right - wall panels have been used on every wood frame home since the onset of dimensional lumber and the invention of...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 28
Glenn Traylor

Quality Assurance, Safety, and the Benefits of a Non-Biased Audit

Glenn Traylor

When folks hear the term audit, they generally think of an IRS audit. Not a pleasant thought. The term invokes an image of hot lights, endless questions, pouring over boxes of records, all in the attempt to find wrong doing on the part of the tax payer. When you consider a quality assurance...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 34
Robert Glowinski

Online Reuse & Recycling Directory Helps with Sustainable Wood Construction

Robert Glowinski

The green building movement is inspiring an exciting new trend: reclaimed wood. Not only does using reclaimed wood help reduce the environmental impact of buildings and take discarded wood out of solid waste streams, but there is also a large opportunity being missed with the amount of...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 37
Dennis Schieffer

Maintaining Production by Performing Preventative Maintenance

Dennis Schieffer

Everyone wants to avoid trouble. We don’t want things to break down, and we don’t want to lose time and money. But sometimes, it’s the actions you can take before something goes wrong that will help you the most. That’s why a preventative maintenance program is important...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 38
Matt Layman

Lumber! The Most Critical Component for a Component Plant

Matt Layman

For the wood truss industry, the single most important component in a component plant is LUMBER. Nothing is as price volatile. Nothing else takes up more physical space. Nothing else requires more constant cash or credit line. Nothing impacts the physical appearance and structural integrity of...

#09200 Cover image
March 2016
Issue #09200
Page 44

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