
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Holiday Favorites

Anna Stamm

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2nd Holiday Favorites contest! With 9 questions and 3 options for each, the poll results showed a lot of variation in our readers’ Thanksgiving traditions. Cooking the Turkey in the oven was the clear favorite, but several went onto the...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 4
Joe Kannapell, PE

Tom Manenti, Outgoing Chairman of MiTek Industries, Inc.

Joe Kannapell, PE

I know not a steadier and more upright leader than Thomas J. Manenti, who elevated his company from good to great over his 40-year tenure. His characteristic humility and aplomb enabled him to navigate most of his career among strong egos. Tom is the consummate people person who transformed...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 6
Sean Hubbard

Product Comparisons

Sean Hubbard

Beginning with the January 2018 issue of The Component Manufacturing Advertiser, we have decided to offer a new look. We will begin to feature product comparisons for the next twelve months. We will be using the following Schedule of Comparisons along with certain limitations. Schedule of...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 12
April Burt

BCMC 2017 Raising the Stakes in Omaha, NE

April Burt

The 36th annual BCMC show took place in late October at CenturyLink Center in Omaha, Nebraska. The location of the venue in relation to the downtown and hotels could not have been better. It was an easy walk across the sky bridge to the event center and a short ride to the old market area...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 16
Joe Kannapell, PE

Automating Wall Panel Production

Joe Kannapell, PE

To expedite the adoption of pre-built wall panels, shop labor must be significantly lower than site labor. That means replacing hand-nailing, measuring, cutting, and manhandling with practices that have been proven in truss fabrication. In addition, major builders and reluctant framers demand...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 20
Todd Drummond

Mistake Proofing the Communication Quote and Order Process

Todd Drummond

In lean terminology, there is a term called Poka-Yoke, which, roughly translated from Japanese, means to mistake-proof the manufacturing process. A more accurate translation could be “inadvertent error prevention.” In a nutshell, one tries to make any manufacturing process...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 30
Glenn Traylor

A Case for Providing More Design Info to the Assembly Table

Glenn Traylor

It’s true that, by nature, the materials currently used for wood trusses can vary in strength and properties. Given a specific lumber size and grade, truss builders often need to evaluate lumber picked, cut, and provided to build the specific job at hand. After verifying the lumber grade,...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 36
Ben Hershey

No Waste Path Using TIMWOODS

Ben Hershey

Part 9 in our TIMWOODS Series Hey TimWoods, it’s time to take a pause with your Gemba walk and talk about a Waste Reduction plan using what we learned in this series. Throughout this series, our friend TimWoods has helped us focus on the wastes of Transportation, Inventory, Motion,...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 46
Keith Tindall

Changing Suppliers – What’s The Risk?

Keith Tindall

When this quote by John Ruskin appeared on a recent LinkedIn post, it led me to think about the best approach for a business considering changing suppliers.  It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s also unwise to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money,...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 58
Robert Glowinski

Fire Safety & Multi-Family Wood Construction

Robert Glowinski

The American Wood Council hosted a webinar in July sharing best practices for fire protection during construction to help mitigate and reduce construction fires. The 90-minute presentation introduced attendees to several recent major construction fires and their reported causes, the many...

#10221 Cover image
December 2017
Issue #10221
Page 73

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