
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Short-Sighted Decisions and Visions of Grandeur

Anna Stamm

Recently, I’ve been watching a company I know make some very questionable changes. Even though they’re not in this industry, the issues raised are pertinent to any company. From the outside looking in (and from people on the inside without a voice), it seems that all decisions are...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 6
Joe Kannapell, PE

Sixty Years of Machines, Part XVIII: Automation Momentum

Joe Kannapell, PE

We suppliers had to escape the bind that Jerry Koskovich’s automation portended. We had been chastened by our CMs’ excitement viewing his Auto Omni Saw at the 1988 BCMC. Then we were shocked shortly thereafter when one of our leading customers, Tom Nomeland at Superior Truss (now...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 10
Wendy Boyd

Capitalizing on Efficiencies in Our New Normal

Wendy Boyd

It’s been some months now since most people have been talking about getting back to normal. But, many are looking to create their new normal, thinking on their feet, ready to pivot, working hard and imagining where the next landing place will be. Most are trying to decide how to...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 17
Todd Drummond

Not Enough Time is No Excuse

Todd Drummond

The building industry is once again on fire, and too many are stating, “I don’t have enough time” all too often. If your group is always talking about needing more people, equipment, and time, improving time management would undoubtedly benefit you. Improving time management...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 29
Glenn Traylor

Are the Rising Lumber Prices Changing Your Tune?

Glenn Traylor

The way we evaluate a stick of lumber may be changing, but that is not without risk. I’m reminded of a song written by Baker Knight and recorded by American country music artist Mickey Gilley in the 1970s. You might remember the tune, but I wanted to update you on some new...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 39
Tracy Roe

Flexible Management Solutions

Tracy Roe

No two operations are the same. Software flexibility in managing your plant isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity. You need to manage everything from customers to deliveries, and you need to do it efficiently. And, you should be able to determine exactly how you want things done in a software...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 50
Marc James

Championing the Design, Make, Build Approach to Construction: Improved Quality, Productivity and Safety in Using Off-Site Manufacturing

Marc James

The building construction industry faces several challenges created by traditional building methods. One of the bigger challenges is that each trade is largely siloed from the other trades on a project, which can lead to schedule conflicts and communication gaps. MiTek sees the Design, Make,...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 63
Chris Scott

Stiles Life Cycle Support Services – The Gift That Keeps Giving

Chris Scott

When choosing who to partner with for production solutions, most would say their leading factors are price, lead time, and performance. While those are all important, what happens after installation and paperwork is equally as important. Post-installation and maintenance service makes a huge...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 67
Thom McAnally

Mid-Life Crisis?

Mid-Life Crisis? Maybe, but not if you consider that I’ve been “remote” since 1992. Sure I’ve had offices, all home offices, but who is to say they can’t have wheels? I had a false start in 2017 when I bought the RV and truck, then headed to Naples, Florida. It was...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 71
Anna Stamm

All Things Wood: New Table 4G in NDS Supplement – Multi-Species and Country Grademarked Lumber

Anna Stamm

As a follow-up to our January 2021 All Things Wood article by Frank Woeste and Don Bender, “Hybrid Lumber” Grade Stamps Require Special Attention, we are pleased to report that additional information is now available for designers and code officials. The following article appears...

#13262 Cover image
May 2021
Issue #13262
Page 74

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