Geordie Secord

Design Connections: Profitability Metrics and Margin Dollars

Geordie Secord

In the busy world of prefabricated components, there are three conflicting metrics that owners and managers look at to determine operational performance – board feet of lumber, sales dollars, and margin dollars. I’ll start with what I believe is likely the most common but also the...

#16299 Cover image
June 2024
Issue #16299
Page 92
Lesko Financial Services Team

Economic Resilience Extends into the Second Quarter

Lesko Financial Services Team

The first quarter of 2024 ended on a positive note, which hopefully will prove to be a solid foundation for the remainder of the year. Despite lingering inflation, the U.S. economy continued to show resilience and added increasing optimism for the much-sought-after “soft...

#16298 Cover image
May 2024
Issue #16298
Page 76
Glenn Traylor

What is the Best Way to Handle Defects Under the Plated Area?

Glenn Traylor

Everyone who uses lumber in trusses understands that defects in lumber can impact truss performance in different ways. Some defects are not important but others will affect truss performance and can even cause truss failure. [For all photos, See PDF or View in Full Issue.] In the first photo,...

#16296 Cover image
March 2024
Issue #16296
Page 35
Lesko Financial Services Team

A Mixed Start to 2024

Lesko Financial Services Team

Beginnings always feed the temptation to look ahead and make predictions, and recent economic news, podcasts, and websites have featured their fill. 2024 went out on a fairly positive note and it was tempting to try to extend that optimism beyond the first few weeks of January. But despite...

#16295 Cover image
February 2024
Issue #16295
Page 64
Lesko Financial Services Team

Surprising Resilience Tempered By Lingering Pressures in Quarter 4

Lesko Financial Services Team

As the Fourth Quarter got underway, there were strong signs that the U.S. economy remains resilient, despite stock market volatility and consumers beginning to express some wobbles in confidence. But the crisis in the Middle East, political divisiveness in the U.S., and chaotic developments...

#15292 Cover image
November 2023
Issue #15292
Page 78
Geordie Secord

Design Connections: Make Competition About More Than Price

Geordie Secord

A near certainty in the component business is that your customers will, to some extent at least, shop your price against your competition. Depending on the relationship history you have with your client, you may have the opportunity to match a lower price, but your competition will still be used...

#15291 Cover image
October 2023
Issue #15291
Page 98
Lesko Financial Services Team

Economic Resilience Despite Lingering Recession Fears

Lesko Financial Services Team

The U.S. economy started the second half of 2023 with a sense of resilience and more optimism than last year at this time. Inflation has been trending downward since its peak in June of 2022; the Federal Reserve hit the ‘pause’ button on interest rate hikes; the job market has been...

#15289 Cover image
August 2023
Issue #15289
Page 72
Lesko Financial Services Team

Positive Trends Provide Hope for a Late Year Recovery

Lesko Financial Services Team

At the start of a new quarter, the economy is continuing its bumpy ride toward recovery while still showing mixed signals. Forecasts going forward are for slower growth throughout the next two quarters before picking up steam in the latter part of this year and going into the next. There are...

#15286 Cover image
May 2023
Issue #15286
Page 86
Lesko Financial Services Team

First Quarter Brings Hints of Later-Year Move Toward Recovery

Lesko Financial Services Team

The start of a new quarter and a new year bring with them a cautious glimmer of optimism that the economy is finally poised to begin a slow turn-around toward a gradual recovery. To be sure, many challenges remain for households that have been weathering inflation for more than 18 months. But...

#15283 Cover image
February 2023
Issue #15283
Page 90
Lesko Financial Services Team

Fourth Quarter Arrives with More Questions and Challenges Ahead

Lesko Financial Services Team

The markets and the economy still face a number of challenges from lingering inflation, ongoing Fed rate hikes, and geopolitical instability. This is playing out within a context of a stock market that has declined—recent gains the exception—even if it has already priced-in a lot of...

#14280 Cover image
November 2022
Issue #14280
Page 94

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