In 2024, the MiTek Building & Product Regulations team completed a tri-annual project to update all MiTek structural product evaluation reports to establish compliance with the new 2024 I-Codes. Building codes in the U.S., also known as the I-Codes, are developed on a 3-year cycle. Each building code edition may introduce new technical requirements based on revised referenced standards. States and local jurisdictions in the U.S. will begin adopting and enforcing the 2024 I-Codes over the coming months and years, depending on their adoption schedules and amendment processes.
MiTek maintains a comprehensive portfolio of over 30 structural product evaluation reports, fire listings, environmental product declarations, and over 50 city and state supplements, addressing code compliance for thousands of products. The Building & Product Regulations team worked closely with the two primary building product certification bodies, ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) and IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Service (IAPMO UES), to update our reports to the requirements of the new 2024 International Building Code® (IBC) and 2024 International Residential Code® (IRC).
MiTek is now fully prepared for adoption and enforcement of the new 2024 IBC and IRC, with code-compliant evaluation reports for our Metal Truss Connector Plates, Posi-Strut Metal Webs, Lateral Systems, Structural Connectors, Ultra-Span Truss Sections, and Triton Board products. MiTek is committed to maintaining up-to-date evaluation reports, creating new reports as new MiTek structural products are developed, and providing technical training for building officials and design professionals; and the MiTek Building & Product Regulations team’s experts in codes and standards diligently ensure that MiTek’s code reports remain in continuous compliance to meet future building code and standard development cycles.
In 2024, the Building & Product Regulations team also worked to improve the MiTek website evaluation report directory, organizing and uploading our current evaluation reports, listings, and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), including the subjects for each report. This makes it easier for building officials, design professionals, and builders to find the critical information they need.
Specifiers and building officials are encouraged to review the entire product evaluation report. The issue date and the building code edition to which the products have been evaluated should all be current. Our updated Evaluation Reports and Environmental Product Declarations can be found in Services – Engineering – Evaluation Reports and Fire and Acoustic reports are available in Services – Engineering – Engineering Details on the MiTek website,
For additional information, or if you have questions, please contact the MiTek Building & Product Regulations team or the MiTek Engineering department.