
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Coming Together

Anna Stamm

Apparently, some things can never be said too many times. We are stronger together than apart. United we stand, divided we fall. In unity, there is strength. The Pressure to Divide These days, the approach of divide and conquer seems to appear everywhere. In many facets of our lives, we...

#10232 Cover image
November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 6
Joe Kannapell

Celebrating 50 Years of Truss Design, Part IV

Joe Kannapell

Part IV: In-House Computers Ten years after we installed our first computer, our turnaround of truss designs remained unacceptable. But one evening in the late Seventies, I saw daylight when a red, white, and blue van pulled up to our St. Louis office. I recall my wonderment back then, while...

#10232 Cover image
November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 8
Sean Hubbard

BCMC Update

Sean Hubbard

The trip home provided for some much-needed quiet time to reflect on the most successful B.C.M.C. of modern times. I believe the equipment displayed well represented the advancements made by our industry over the last decade or two. It also offered a glimpse into the future where automation in...

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November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 17
Todd Drummond

When Your Company’s Manufacturing Labor Pay Rate is Causing Labor Shortages

Todd Drummond

“Good judgement comes from experience. And experience? Well that comes from poor judgement.” Some of us are old enough to remember Dean Martin. Whether he stated this quotation about experience and poor judgment, I will never know. But let’s face facts—it has...

#10232 Cover image
November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 22
Glenn Traylor

Are Roof and Floor Trusses the Only Components that Need a Quality Assurance Program?

Glenn Traylor

Roof and floor trusses are important components that need special consideration to insure their correct manufacture. Components built to the IRC and IBC require the manufacturer to adhere to specific requirements. These requirements provide a blueprint to facilitate the manufacturing of a...

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November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 31
Ben Hershey

Celebrating BCMC 2018

Ben Hershey

By the time you read this, the dust will have settled after an incredibly successful BCMC Show in Milwaukee, WI. What a privilege to talk with so many of you last week and see many of the exciting new automation products we can use in our operations to make us far more efficient, and, more...

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November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 37
Mike Momb

Value Added for Truss Manufacturers

Mike Momb

Not quite 20 years ago I interviewed for a position of managing a metal plate connected wood truss manufacturing plant for Anderson Lumber, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. For several years Anderson had been losing money from their truss operation and higher ups were searching for someone who...

#10232 Cover image
November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 45
Thom McAnally

Recruiting 101: Prior Contact Exclusions

How to handle prior contact is a subject that comes up a lot at The JobLine. What is it? How do you manage it? Why would some employers rather miss a great candidate than deal with prior contact and recruiters? Prior to JobLine presenting an application, we ask the candidate if he/she has had...

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November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 62
Robert Glowinski

New Report Available on Sound Transmission of Wood-Framed Assemblies

Robert Glowinski

The American Wood Council (AWC) has released a new report on sound transmission, “Technical Report 15 (TR15), Calculation of Sound Transmission Parameters for Wood-Framed Assemblies.” This first version of TR15 is applicable to wood-frame floor-ceiling assemblies. A free pdf copy...

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November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 74
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: A Fragile Housing Recovery Built on Credit

Matt Layman

Many Americans are not overzealous about the moderate improvements to their lifestyle, income, and overall state of wellbeing during this economic recovery. That is being expressed by the stock market’s decline and increased recession rhetoric. No in-depth statistical analysis is needed...

#10232 Cover image
November 2018
Issue #10232
Page 78

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