Coming Together

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Issue #10232 - November 2018 | Page #6
By Anna L. Stamm

Apparently, some things can never be said too many times. We are stronger together than apart. United we stand, divided we fall. In unity, there is strength.

The Pressure to Divide

These days, the approach of divide and conquer seems to appear everywhere. In many facets of our lives, we are confronted with messaging that focuses on what separates us rather than what we all share. And it’s not confined to the fear and anger we see on the television—it also finds its way into simple interactions in our daily lives. Rumors spread that, though baseless, may seem more believable if they are repeated enough. People ask us to doubt the integrity of our friends, even when we have known them for years. Motivations are called into question. We are encouraged to approach all interactions as a zero-sum game where there will be only winners and losers.

Moving Forward Together

Call me naive, but I believe we can strive to move past this. I believe that, if we’re strong enough, we can continue to see the best in everyone rather than the worst, emphasize the positive over the negative, and resist the urge to believe rumors and accusations. And we can do this in all facets of our lives, including business.

Our annual tradeshow is a perfect example of what can be gained by coming together. For a few short days every fall, attendees and exhibitors at the Building Component Manufacturers Conference are able to focus on what brings us together. Competitors can be friends. The shared motivation to move the industry forward can unite everyone. The situation doesn’t have to designate “losers” so that there can be “winners”—there can be benefits for everyone.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford

We always have a choice. We can choose to look for the best in people. We can seek ways to cooperate. We can aspire to be better.

Anna Stamm

Author: Anna Stamm

Director of Communications and Marketing

Component Manufacturing Advertiser

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