
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Looking for the Joy in Waiting

Anna Stamm

Anticipation. Sometimes it generates excitement. Other times it enhances frustration. Is there a way to emphasize the “good” part of waiting and diminish the less desirable aspects?

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 6
Joe Kannapell, PE

Celebrating 50 Years of Truss Design, Part II

Joe Kannapell, PE

Part II: Leaps Forward in Computerization None of us would forget the strange sounds that signaled a new era in truss design: the pounding of the keypunch, the whirring of the card reader, and the ratcheting of the line printer that emanated from the 10x10 room in front of our drafting...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 8
Sean Hubbard

Wall Panel Sheathing Stations

Sean Hubbard

September is here, so it’s time to wrap up our comparisons of wall panel equipment. Again I would like to thank all of the manufacturers who have taken the time to review the draft charts I’ve compiled and supply additional information and clarification. Their input across these...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 18
Todd Drummond

Banner Sales Year Should Help the CM Division Make Mid-Teens or More for EBITDA

Todd Drummond

New building sales across the US are way up, which shows in the long lead times of the wood truss and wall panel manufacturing companies for new orders. However, too many of these manufacturers are not showing healthy profits despite the long lead times. Lead times greater than four weeks are a...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 23
Glenn Traylor

Does Your Lumber Have a Shelf Life?

Glenn Traylor

Just like some foods, lumber kept in the right environment will store for an indefinite length of time. But just like food, lumber kept in sub-par conditions will have a shortened storage period. If you’re not storing your lumber properly, you may have to question whether it can/should...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 32
Ben Hershey

Constructing a Roadmap to Operational Excellence

Ben Hershey

Part 1: Beginning a Journey of 7 Steps We all aspire to have a state of operational excellence in our organizations, but it is often much easier said than done. Although it’s often conceptualized as merely tweaking the current way of doing things, operational excel­lence is about...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 36
Steve Mickley

AIBD Welcomes New President, Fellows, and Recognizes Excellence

Steve Mickley

The American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) inducted Anchorage businesswoman, Karen Kassik-Michelsohn, FAIBD, of Michelsohn & Daughter, into the office of President at its Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. Karen is a certified member of the organization and for over 30 years has...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 42
Ed Serrano

Solutions for Safer and More Efficient Truss and Frame Stacking

Ed Serrano

The increased acceleration of city infill and the popularity of apartments is creating the opportunity for frame and truss manufacturing to expand into mid-rise construction, an important growth area for the industry. However, with expansion comes a greater emphasis on quality manufacturing,...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 46
Mike Momb

Increase Your Post Frame Sales

Mike Momb

Nearly every U.S. and Canadian metal plate connected wood truss manufacturer has one or more clients who either construct pole barns or sell kit packages. Not much excitement though in dealing with typical orders of usually anywhere from 4 to 10 trusses per building. Money can certainly be...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 56
Thom McAnally

Where Were You 10 Years Ago?

Ten years may as well have been a lifetime with so much water under the industry bridge; so to speak. I looked back and saw how our little weekly newsletter became what is now the largest, and only monthly, publication that focuses on the Truss, Wall Panel, and Building Components...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 74

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