Glenn Traylor

What is Camber and Why is It Important?

Glenn Traylor

In the truss industry, camber refers to the gradual curvature of a chord member either naturally occurring or created to alleviate the natural deflection of a truss structure. That sounds simple enough, but there are key elements about camber that should be considered. Camber in Action All...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 33
Joe Kannapell

The Last Word: Where to Cull Lumber

Joe Kannapell

Component manufacturers have long been in search of “any practical technology that can lessen rejects”[1] when fabricating trusses from our imperfect supply of lumber. New machines and processes have increased material throughput, but they have also increased the time lost when...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 152
Glenn Traylor

Does Fire Retardant Lumber Require Special Handling?

Glenn Traylor

Fire retardant lumber, also called FRTW, is used when a project has a requirement to reduce the structures’ ability to burn and to reduce the structures’ contribution to the spread of fire. Most fire retardant materials also reduce the development of smoke and the release of...

#16299 Cover image
June 2024
Issue #16299
Page 33
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Sugar Pills and Rocket Fuel

Anna Stamm

It never ceases to amaze me how “simple” things can become so complicated. I’m sure I’m not alone in this quandary – the feeling that you’ve stepped into a maze and now struggle to get out. Simple Beginnings, Complicated Developments Last spring, I...

#16298 Cover image
May 2024
Issue #16298
Page 6
Glenn Traylor

How Do You Determine Fabrication Tolerances During Design?

Glenn Traylor

How does a component manufacturer determine what fabrication tolerances should be used during truss design? To answer that question, we first need to clarify what is meant by “fabrication tolerance.” Per ANSI/TPI 1–2014, the guidance is 3.3.2 Fabrication Tolerance. All...

#16298 Cover image
May 2024
Issue #16298
Page 35
Geordie Secord

Design Connections: What Will Customers Want, Need, and Pay to Have

Geordie Secord

Over the last couple of articles, I’ve spent some time discussing improvements that would improve both the energy efficiency and the ability of the truss system to withstand extreme weather conditions. If you’ve read those articles, you will know that I think it is ridiculous that we...

#16298 Cover image
May 2024
Issue #16298
Page 90
Todd Drummond

Advance Your Career and Earnings By Learning From Mistakes We Are All Prone to Make

Todd Drummond

Each generation has to learn all the life lessons either through their own mistakes or the counseling of the older generation. The vast majority of us wish not to repeat the same mistakes and, if possible, avoid them altogether. If you wish to avoid embarrassment, whether you are new to being an...

#16297 Cover image
April 2024
Issue #16297
Page 24
Glenn Traylor

Do You Know the Frequent Non-Compliance Issue That’s “Easy” to Fix?

Glenn Traylor

The photo shows a 2 x 4 truss with an ANSI/TPI 1 non-compliance issue. This is something that never should have happened! Can you spot the problem? [For photo, See PDF or View in Full Issue.] If you shouted, “a missing connector,” then give yourself a gold star! As I was ranking...

#16297 Cover image
April 2024
Issue #16297
Page 35
Glenn Traylor

What is the Best Way to Handle Defects Under the Plated Area?

Glenn Traylor

Everyone who uses lumber in trusses understands that defects in lumber can impact truss performance in different ways. Some defects are not important but others will affect truss performance and can even cause truss failure. [For all photos, See PDF or View in Full Issue.] In the first photo,...

#16296 Cover image
March 2024
Issue #16296
Page 35
Glenn Traylor

Can Eased Edge Lumber Usage Impact Truss Design?

Glenn Traylor

Originally intended as an improvement in lumber manufacturing, most dimensional lumber used for framing has a radius corner created during the planing process. The rounded corner radius is intended to make the lumber easier to handle and can improve the lumber’s performance because sharp...

#16295 Cover image
February 2024
Issue #16295
Page 33

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