Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Time to Make Time for a Feed The Beast Plant Tour!

Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

We’ve reached July and BCMC in Milwaukee, WI is only three months away. Whether you’re planning on traveling to Milwaukee or not, I highly recommend that you take the time to make time to attend our upcoming Feed the Beast truss plant tour! [For all photos, See PDF or View in Full...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 42
Joe Kannapell

The Last Word: Where to Cull Lumber

Joe Kannapell

Component manufacturers have long been in search of “any practical technology that can lessen rejects”[1] when fabricating trusses from our imperfect supply of lumber. New machines and processes have increased material throughput, but they have also increased the time lost when...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 152
Wendy Boyd

Design, Innovation, and Software Combine for Perfectly Sheathed Walls

Wendy Boyd

We take pride in actively working with industry and our customers to ensure the machinery and equipment we manufacture is fit for purpose, effective, and continuously improving. One such example of this is in wall sheathing. While machinery for sheathing wall panels has been around for a number...

#16299 Cover image
June 2024
Issue #16299
Page 17
Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Automation Elements That Can Benefit Any Size Truss Plant

Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Do you think your plant is too small to be able to capture additional efficiencies? Or, maybe you’re satisfied with the growth your plant has experienced and you think you’ve attained an effective production system. Whether your plant is small, large, or somewhere in between, you can...

#16299 Cover image
June 2024
Issue #16299
Page 42
Cullen Ellis

How the Spida Wall Panel Line Capitalizes on Efficiency

Cullen Ellis

As all prefabricated wall panel manufacturers know, you are always trying to predict the amount of wall panels required for your business daily. You need to know what their true cost is and when they will be delivered to your customer, and all of this needs to happen efficiently and on time....

#16298 Cover image
May 2024
Issue #16298
Page 17
Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

An Extreme Plant Makeover in Pictures

Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

“Are you crazy? We are not going to move our saw! We cannot afford to shut down for weeks to turn things upside down.” Those are words I’ve heard more than once, but it turns out I am not crazy. Saws can be moved and the process improvement can be accomplished in days and not...

#16298 Cover image
May 2024
Issue #16298
Page 46
Wendy Boyd

UL Certified Machinery By Spida

Wendy Boyd

Over the last few weeks and into the next few months, we’re busy outfitting a new Truss, Frame, and Floor Manufacturing site with Spida machinery. All of our installations with customers are something special, and they are all unique with their own set of requirements to make the install...

#16297 Cover image
April 2024
Issue #16297
Page 17
Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Enhancing Truss Build Efficiency

Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Enhancing truss builder efficiency will increase productivity and result in more truss production at lower cost. The most cost-effective way of enhancing truss builder efficiency is to put TVs up over each truss jig as a visual truss assembly aid. Enventek PlantOne TV/Projection is compatible...

#16297 Cover image
April 2024
Issue #16297
Page 44
Steve Shrader

Revolutionizing EWP Processing: The Hundegger TURBO-Drive II All-in-One Saw Solution

Steve Shrader

In the evolving landscape of engineered wood product (EWP) processing, Hundegger is setting new standards with an innovative solution that seamlessly merges software and hardware capabilities. The Hundegger TURBO-Drive II represents more than just a piece of equipment; it is a comprehensive saw...

#16297 Cover image
April 2024
Issue #16297
Page 50
Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Batch Cutting vs. Cut By Truss

Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

What weighs more, a pound of muscle or a pound of fat? In truss jargon, the question would be: What produces more trusses, 200 pieces of batch cutting or 200 pieces of cut-by-truss cutting? The answer, of course, is that both cutting methods produce the same number of trusses. So what’s...

#16296 Cover image
March 2024
Issue #16296
Page 44

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