Building Relationships and Addressing Challenges with Simpson Strong-Tie

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Issue #16300 - July 2024 | Page #50
By Josh Fitzgerald

My career at Simpson Strong-Tie came full circle this summer. As I take the reins as the company’s new Vice President of Market Development – Component Manufacturers, I can’t help but think back to my earliest days at the company when my path crossed with the Iowa Truss Manufacturers Association (ITMA) and Ray Noonan, Dave Mitchell, Rick Parrino, Jeff Taake, and Dennis Westhoff, who welcomed me to the industry.

I’ve had several roles over the past 20 years at Simpson Strong-Tie, but I cut my teeth with component manufacturers as a Territory Manager in Iowa. In fact, during my first week as Territory Manager, I was invited to participate in the ITMA legislators’ breakfast. While sitting in on a board meeting, Ray Noonan looked down the table and said to me, “Hey, new guy, you in?” I said yes and thus began my introduction to components.

I imagine they probably don’t realize the impact they had on me back when I was growing as a Territory Manager. Instead of writing me off as a newbie, these seasoned veterans took me under their wing and helped me learn the business.

After spending nearly four years in the Iowa/Nebraska/South Dakota territory, I served in a number of other sales roles around Simpson Strong-Tie, including Regional Builder Program Manager, Pro-Dealer Manager and, most recently, Director of Sales for the Northeast. During that time, my component experience has frequently been called into play, particularly when working with some of the nation’s largest builders.

I’m excited to re-dedicate my focus on the components segment of the industry again. Not only is Simpson Strong-Tie a leading provider of top-quality connectors, fasteners, anchors, and plates, we’ve become a trusted advisor, with services and software solutions to help component manufacturers respond and adapt to constant change in the truss industry. And we’ve set some aggressive targets—in sales and in development—to help new and existing customers tackle challenges and take advantage of trends and opportunities.

One of the most significant hurdles is the persistent labor shortage. As component manufacturers continually seek skilled personnel for design and production, our experienced team members and engineering and design services offer crucial support. Plus, our growing technology platform facilitates remote collaboration, automates manual tasks, and enables data sharing, thereby enhancing economic efficiencies and labor savings.

Simpson Strong-Tie’s Component Solutions software comprises comprehensive project management and design tools: CS Truss Studio provides robust, easy-to-use tools that enable truss designers to become proficient in less time; CS Director allows users to streamline project management by scheduling and tracking tasks, creating truss libraries, managing workflows, and providing access to remote team members; and CS EWP Studio is a layout, design, and analysis solution for engineered wood products.

We’re exploring and investing in many new ways to leverage technology to increase efficiencies, lower learning curves, and ease the labor burden. Like everything, we’ll continue to evolve to meet the industry’s future needs while supporting their work today. 

As I step into my new role, I’m especially looking forward to rekindling old connections with people I haven't seen in a while. Additionally, I'm eager to collaborate with our sales leaders to support their success and help our component manufacturer customers enhance their operations.

For me, it always begins with people. By building and revitalizing strong relationships, positive outcomes are inevitable. Please reach out to me with your thoughts and requests!

Josh Fitzgerald

Author: Josh Fitzgerald

Vice President of Market Development, Simpson Strong-Tie

You're reading an article from the July 2024 issue.

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