Advertiser Forum

Celebrating the Years

Issue #10222 - January 2018 | Page #4

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By Anna L. Stamm

As we bid farewell to last year and welcome the new year, I always like to reflect on accomplishments (and try to learn from mistakes) before heading back into the daily grind.

Events of 2017

While a lot of us led fairly routine lives last year, I know a few people who did exciting things like getting married and buying a new home. If you’re in that category (like a certain someone here at The Advertiser), we hope those milestones are the start of many years of new joys in life. There are also our friends who faced adversity, from hurricanes to other challenges. If you were forced to confront those hurdles, natural or manmade, we hope you’re well on your way to recovery and renewed prosperity now. And, if you’re in the category with me where daily routines are firmly entrenched, we hope you find enjoyment in those too.

Accomplishments of 2017

Hopefully, we all have a few things which we can label successes. I am very pleased to say that The Advertiser reached a few milestones of its own. In July, we hit our first 100-page issue. In fact, we reached or exceeded 100 pages 3 times, taking our average page count last year to 93 pages. To fill those pages, we averaged 19 advertisers and 13 articles per issue. And our distribution continues to grow, taking us to 5,000 subscribers.

Aspirations for 2018

So, whether you’re expecting big things this year or hoping to stay a steady course, we wish you the very best along whichever road you travel. And as always, you’re welcome to share your stories, good or bad, with us. If you have an update on your business, a question you would like to pose, or a piece of advice you would like to share, simply send me an email. The Advertiser will remain your open forum, so THANK YOU for contributing to our success!

Happy New Year!
Anna Stamm

Author: Anna Stamm

Director of Communications and Marketing

Component Manufacturing Advertiser

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