Everyday Heroes are Real

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Issue #12253 - August 2020 | Page #130
By Bill Blades

The component manufacturing business is full of great people who care about the well-being of others—and here is tremendous proof of that.

On Thursday, July 16, Rene Granados from CraneCo in Glendale, AZ was expecting an ordinary drive to work. Instead, he witnessed a truck cross over the freeway and crash into a car. Immediately, he pulled over, called 911, and waited for the fire department. But, he also decided to do more. He positioned his truck and was ready to help if needed to use the crane to reach the driver of the car. And yes, the fire department assessed that the driver’s vitals were dropping and using the crane would be the fastest way to reach him. As shown in the photo, instead of lifting roof trusses, Rene lifted a car roof that day in an effort to save a life!

The Fire Department Captain has submitted Rene’s name for a citizen’s hero award. Not many people would have had the quick thinking to set up the crane to help even before the fire trucks had reached the scene!

Sadly, Rene was also motivated by the recent loss of his father in an accident. Only nine months ago, his father’s motorcycle was hit by a drunk driver. Knowing that time was of the essence, Rene did everything he could to help the driver in this accident have a fighting chance.

The next day, after the local news station had come to interview Rene about his heroism, he also learned the sad news that the driver eventually succumbed to his injuries. But, even though this story has a sad ending, it has been a welcome reminder of the care and compassion that surrounds us in our industry. Thank you, Rene. Thank you for reminding us that everyday heroes are real.

Author: Bill Blades

General Manager, Truss Fab Components

You're reading an article from the August 2020 issue.

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