Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

To Cull or Not to Cull (at the Saw)

Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Should we cull lumber at the saw? That is the question posed by Joe Kannapell, P.E. in The Last Word in the July issue, “Where to Cull Lumber.” As Joe discusses: “So where in the process should we cull lumber? To minimize touches, it can be done when the bands are broken on a...

#16302 Cover image
September 2024
Issue #16302
Page 44
Greg Bates

Insights and Innovations in Component Manufacturing

Greg Bates

The component manufacturing industry, specifically of roof and floor trusses, is undergoing significant transformation. To delve deeper, we spoke with Todd Drummond, a seasoned expert and long-time consultant with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of truss manufacturing. You can...

#16302 Cover image
September 2024
Issue #16302
Page 88
MiTek Staff

Allowable Plate Embedment Tolerance

MiTek Staff

Oftentimes, MiTek engineers are asked what plate embedment tolerance is allowed for metal connector plates in wood trusses. Chapter 3 of the ANSI/TPI 1 (National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction) addresses the tolerance for metal connector plate tooth...

#16302 Cover image
September 2024
Issue #16302
Page 114
Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Doing Your BCMC Homework

Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

It is that time of year again. With just two months until BCMC 2024 in Milwaukee, WI, here is some BCMC homework as you begin considering capital expenditures (CapEx). It is crucial to go beyond just the financial metrics like ROI and take into account several qualitative factors. And yes, all...

#16301 Cover image
August 2024
Issue #16301
Page 40
Glenn Traylor

What is Camber and Why is It Important?

Glenn Traylor

In the truss industry, camber refers to the gradual curvature of a chord member either naturally occurring or created to alleviate the natural deflection of a truss structure. That sounds simple enough, but there are key elements about camber that should be considered. Camber in Action All...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 33
Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Time to Make Time for a Feed The Beast Plant Tour!

Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

We’ve reached July and BCMC in Milwaukee, WI is only three months away. Whether you’re planning on traveling to Milwaukee or not, I highly recommend that you take the time to make time to attend our upcoming Feed the Beast truss plant tour! [For all photos, See PDF or View in Full...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 42
MSR Lumber Producers Council

MSR Workshop: A Place to Gain Understanding & Be Understood

MSR Lumber Producers Council

“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” – Ralph Nichols, American psychologist and communication theorist, often referred to as the “Father of...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 74
Joe Kannapell

The Last Word: Where to Cull Lumber

Joe Kannapell

Component manufacturers have long been in search of “any practical technology that can lessen rejects”[1] when fabricating trusses from our imperfect supply of lumber. New machines and processes have increased material throughput, but they have also increased the time lost when...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 152
Glenn Traylor

Does Fire Retardant Lumber Require Special Handling?

Glenn Traylor

Fire retardant lumber, also called FRTW, is used when a project has a requirement to reduce the structures’ ability to burn and to reduce the structures’ contribution to the spread of fire. Most fire retardant materials also reduce the development of smoke and the release of...

#16299 Cover image
June 2024
Issue #16299
Page 33
Greg Bates

Why West Fraser is the Most Trussed Name in Lumber

Greg Bates

As North America’s largest lumber manufacturer, West Fraser supplies the truss market with mechanically graded lumber, dimension lumber, and premium products such as Prime, Select Structural, and HiLine. Founded nearly seven decades ago West Fraser began operations in 1955 when...

#16299 Cover image
June 2024
Issue #16299
Page 62

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