Random Acts of Kindness

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Issue #16297 - April 2024 | Page #6
By Anna L. Stamm

In last month’s Showing Appreciation with Candy and Corned Beef, I remind everyone how easy it can be to build camaraderie and team spirit at your business with a little effort and a little food. As a perfect follow-up to that, I have a little story to share as a reminder that kindness and appreciation are valuable in any relationship, even when it is between complete strangers.

When at the cancer center on Maudy Thursday, I left my sister in the waiting area while I went upstairs to iron out a few more scheduling details. Two women sat down near her while I was upstairs, so as I started to navigate a wheelchair path out without hitting anyone or anything, one of the ladies quickly tugged at a coffee table to pull it out of the way. I thanked her for her help and proceeded to push my sister out to a bench in front of the building.

When I returned from the parking lot to pick her up, I found my sister speaking with and then hugging the woman who had tugged on the table. I wondered if my sister knew her – but no, they had just met in the lobby. Upon leaving the building, the lady found my sister sitting on the bench and had stopped to ask if she could pray for her. The lady could see it was not a good day for my sister, so she wanted to offer her some comfort.

It may make you feel better. It may make them feel better. But you won’t know until you ask.

Typically, the risk is far exceeded by the reward. Go ahead and share a little kindness, even if it is with a perfect stranger.

Anna Stamm

Author: Anna Stamm

Director of Communications and Marketing

Component Manufacturing Advertiser

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