
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Happy April Fools’ Day!

Anna Stamm

Oh, to be able to call our current situation simply one big joke—wouldn’t that be nice! Of course, we’re all taking this very seriously, as we should. We’re all finding our way, day by day, as we adjust to the changing circumstances. We’re developing ways to stay...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 6
Joe Kannapell

Sixty Years of Machines, Part V: The Gantry Gains Ground

Joe Kannapell

The roller gantry had two major obstacles to clear in the 1970s, both erected by its inventor, Carroll Sanford. Both were delineated in hard-to-evade U.S. Patents. The first was on the machine itself and the second was on the connector plate that it required. The simplicity of the gantry machine...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 10
Wendy Boyd

Responding to Our Changing World

Wendy Boyd

Corona Virus or Covid-19 has undoubtedly turned the world in which we live, work, socialize, learn, and play upside down. As I write this in the last week of March, we are starting a 4-week shutdown of our manufacturing facility in New Zealand and a 2-week shutdown period for both Indianapolis...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 17
Ben Hershey

As the Market Changes – Plan Now for Continuous Improvements

Ben Hershey

No doubt that as I am writing this, many of us have had to turn our focus to our families, our friends, and our businesses as the COVID-19 virus has rapidly spread throughout North America. The impact to many has been requirements to shelter families in their homes, except for critical functions...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 28
Glenn Traylor

How Do Your Manufacturing Errors Rank on the List?

Glenn Traylor

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” Apparently, she never worked in a truss plant, where I think everyone will make them all at least once. But humor aside, let’s take a look at the...

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April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 41
Ed Serrano

COVID-19 – Was This in Your Risk Analysis?

Ed Serrano

Every astute business owner has a risk analysis with plans to mitigate those risks. Within the Component Manufacturing industry, elements such as housing downturn, hacking of systems, machine failings, and staff safety concerns would generally make up the topics. I’d put money on the fact...

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April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 47
Todd Drummond

Oakland Athletics Baseball and Component Manufacturing?

Todd Drummond

Anyone who knows me to any degree will tell you I am not a sports fan. I do not follow any professional sports or know much about the players and culture. So it may surprise you to have me compare component manufacturing (CM) to baseball. To be honest, I mean to compare the management practices...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 53
Tracy Roe

Better Tools for Wall Panel Design in Parametric 3D

Tracy Roe

Continuing our articles series on better tools for wall panel design, it’s time to start talking about parametric 3D. So, what is parametric 3D and what does it mean for you? According to Wikipedia, “Parametric design is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables the...

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April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 64
Alpine Team

Prep Time for Truss Job Bids Cut in Half…or Even More!

Alpine Team

Alpine’s STITCHER software delivers significant savings for APEX Technology’s bidding and design tasks The Product STITCHER is a unique software tool developed by Alpine to free component estimators and designers from repetitive tasks and to speed both bidding and production...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 68
Mike Momb

Things Roof Truss Manufacturers SHOULD Ask, But Don’t Always

Mike Momb

I didn’t just fall off of a turnip truck yesterday, even though there are a few who may doubt my claim! Prefabricated metal plate connected wood trusses and I became close friends back in April of 1977. Yes, we had electricity then and no, I did not watch space aliens build...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 84

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