Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: What’s in The Advertiser’s Forum?

Anna Stamm

What’s in our forum? Simply put, we include articles and updates that our readers want to share. Will every reader be interested in every article? No, but that’s true with most magazines. What’s more important to us is that our articles contain information and ideas that our...

#16300 Cover image
July 2024
Issue #16300
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Degrees of Safe or Sorry

Anna Stamm

Most will agree the adage, “better safe than sorry,” serves as a helpful warning sometimes. It’s an easy way for us to justify taking extra precautions, even when they seem unnecessary, because we’d rather do a little more first than suffer the consequences of a less...

#16299 Cover image
June 2024
Issue #16299
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Sugar Pills and Rocket Fuel

Anna Stamm

It never ceases to amaze me how “simple” things can become so complicated. I’m sure I’m not alone in this quandary – the feeling that you’ve stepped into a maze and now struggle to get out. Simple Beginnings, Complicated Developments Last spring, I...

#16298 Cover image
May 2024
Issue #16298
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Random Acts of Kindness

Anna Stamm

In last month’s Showing Appreciation with Candy and Corned Beef, I remind everyone how easy it can be to build camaraderie and team spirit at your business with a little effort and a little food. As a perfect follow-up to that, I have a little story to share as a reminder that kindness and...

#16297 Cover image
April 2024
Issue #16297
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Showing Appreciation with Candy and Corned Beef

Anna Stamm

The holiday season is upon us (yes, really), and it provides ample opportunities to build camaraderie and team spirit at your business with a little effort and a little food. Making the Effort Many companies have some form of employee appreciation program, but those that don’t have...

#16296 Cover image
March 2024
Issue #16296
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Remembering a Good Man

Anna Stamm

All human beings are flawed, some more so than others. When I think of Dan Holland, I cannot remember a time when he was anything less than a very good man. For more than a decade, I worked with Dan at WTCA/SBCA, both in his role as WTCA President and as Chapter President of the Mid South...

#16295 Cover image
February 2024
Issue #16295
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Leaping Into the New Year

Anna Stamm

Are you ready for the Leap Year? That’s right, 2024 will bring us one extra day! Instead of 24/7/365, it will be 24/7/366. Have you considered what you will do with your extra day? Imagining a Free Day Granted, our ordinary lives will not be suspended so that we can claim February 29...

#16294 Cover image
January 2024
Issue #16294
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: What Holds Us Back

Anna Stamm

When I was little, being a fireman was never something I considered (see When I Grow Up from last month), but as a little girl there was the option to become a beauty queen. Watching the pageants on TV, I knew I had the self-confidence and talent to compete with anyone. But there was one...

#15293 Cover image
December 2023
Issue #15293
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: When I Grow Up

Anna Stamm

 . . . I wanna be a fireman! That’s not a declaration I ever said when I was little. But lately, I’m wishing I had considered it way back then. I’ve just discovered Chicago Fire in syndication, and it has me thinking that being a firefighter would be awesome. But, because...

#15292 Cover image
November 2023
Issue #15292
Page 6
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: The Pretext of Being Diplomatic

Anna Stamm

When you are responsible for relaying a message between two parties, do you always tell the message as told to you? If not, how much do you change it, and why do you change it? Don’t Be Cruel Obviously, when it comes to altering messages, we can all agree that you don’t need to...

#15291 Cover image
October 2023
Issue #15291
Page 6

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