Building Your Own Home, Part VIX: The Home Stretch – It’s a Wrap!

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Issue #15292 - November 2023 | Page #84
By Thomas McAnally

As we approach the finish line of our construction journey, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the progress we’ve made and the final touches that will bring our home to life. We’re thrilled to share the latest updates on our project, which has been a labor of love every step of the way.

With the major components in place, including paint, flooring, and cabinets, we are now focused on the essential details that make a house a home. The plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems are being fine-tuned to ensure they operate flawlessly. It’s during these final stages that the vision we had from the beginning truly comes together.

However, as we celebrate these indoor milestones, we’re mindful of the challenges posed by the changing seasons. The rainy season has arrived, making outdoor tasks like landscaping temporarily impractical. While we have plans for extensive landscape work, we’ll need to be patient and wait for more favorable weather conditions.

One significant outdoor project that’s well underway is our thousand-foot gravel driveway, which is approximately 90% complete. The last steps involve giving it a final grade and adding the finishing topping. It’s a critical element of our property, providing both functionality and aesthetics, and we’re eager to see it finalized.

As we anticipate moving into our new home before Thanksgiving, we’re focused on the remaining tasks that will ensure our comfort and security. Installing security cameras and floodlights is a priority, allowing us to keep our home safe and well-lit. Additionally, we’re preparing the front yard for future landscaping efforts. We’ve taken the initial step of a rough grade and seeded the area with wild oats. These oats will serve as a stabilizing cover during the winter, preventing soil erosion and minimizing weed growth.

Looking ahead to next spring, we plan to roto-till the oats into the topsoil and introduce grass seed or sod, taking advantage of the improved property drainage provided by the driveway. It’s a strategic approach that allows us to evaluate how our landscape responds to these changes before committing to the final landscaping design.

While we’re excited about this upcoming milestone, we acknowledge that there will be some minor tasks to tackle after our move. Finishing touches like blinds and the placement of floor receptacles may be necessary, depending on the arrangement of our furniture. However, these are minor details in the grand scheme.

One of the most gratifying aspects of our journey has been staying under budget and on schedule. We owe this success to the skilled tradespeople who have been an integral part of our project. These dedicated individuals have worked tirelessly to bring our vision to life, and we couldn’t be more grateful. In recognition of their outstanding efforts, we’re planning a celebration next spring to express our appreciation and invite all of the subcontractors who played a pivotal role in making our home a reality.

As we take these final steps towards moving into our new home, we raise our glasses to the hardworking tradesmen and tradeswomen who have been our partners in this endeavor. With their dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to excellence, we’re on the cusp of turning our dream into a tangible reality. Cheers to all who have helped make this journey possible!

Next Month:

Tale of the Tape – Cost Accounting (are we truly under budget?)

You're reading an article from the November 2023 issue.

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