Gain Insight into MSR Lumber Market at April Workshop

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Issue #15284 - March 2023 | Page #69
By the MSR Lumber Producers Council

As plans for the 2023 MSR Workshop come together, MSRLPC President and Workshop Committee Chair George Hamilton says members are getting excited to host another memorable event. “We are looking forward to experiencing San Antonio and all that our meeting venue has to offer,” says George. “Attending the Workshop has always been a valuable way to network with people from different parts of the country who work in different aspects of the lumber supply chain. This year’s educational line-up is shaping up to be one of the best in recent history.”

After attending his first Workshop in 2022, Porter Clark, owner of Hiwassee Builders Supply Inc., concisely stated why component manufacturers should attend this annual event. “If you’re a consumer of MSR, then it’s very valuable to be a part of this workshop,” he said. “I learned more within the first hour than I had in ten years of MSR purchasing. It really helped me connect the dots about the grade.”

This year’s Workshop, scheduled for April 26–28 in San Antonio, Texas, will once again be an intimate industry group focused on learning from one another. “The best feature of the workshop is the industry knowledge,” says Greg Martin of Vaagen/Wildwood Trading Group, “having all the ‘right people’ in the room.”

This year’s list of educational sessions is a great snapshot of that knowledge, as the Workshop committee has gathered speakers from across the supply chain to cover a wide range of salient topics:

  • Riding the Rollercoaster: Understanding the North American Timber Market
    Join FEA’s Crystal Gauvin to explore the ups and downs of timber supply and costs in North America. She will review recent trends and discuss expectations for the future.
  • MSR Up Close: Analyzing Trends in the 2022 MSR Production Survey
    FEA’s Crystal Gauvin will also do a deep dive into the most recent MSR Production Survey, a valuable tool for both monitoring the progress of the industry in North America and promoting the use of MSR lumber worldwide.
  • The Challenges of Sustainable Forestry: Procuring Logs in British Columbia
    Vaagen Fibre Manager Dan Macmaster will discuss the unique process that British Columbian foresters go through to procure logs for sawmills and the importance of addressing multiple objectives when harvesting on Crown land.
  • Shifting Dynamics: The Outcome of Recent Changes in Component Manufacturing
    A panel of seasoned manufacturers will look at disruptions in the component manufacturing industry over the past three years and discuss how they have affected the industry and its use of lumber.
  • The Devil’s in the Details: Getting a Handle on Your Lumber Logistics
    Matt Ferguson, Operations Manager and Western Regional Salesperson for Wildwood Trading Group, will discuss a variety of issues that can affect your lumber logistics, including emissions and the legislation behind it, the pros and cons of using a broker vs. owner operator, statistics on the trucking workforce, and more.
  • Global Lumber Market Overview: Tracking Trends Around the World
    Chris Leftis, Canfor’s Director of Marketing Intelligence, will provide a 30,000-foot view of the global lumber market and cover a range of topics including the increase in European softwood shipments to the U.S., the state of offshore for North American producers, and global softwood lumber production trends.

The Workshop will conclude with a roundtable discussion led by MSRLPC Board member Dan Uskoski of Metriguard. Designed to unpack the hot topics covered during the course of the Workshop, attendees can look forward to a lively discussion meant to help recap and assimilate all of the valuable content from this three-day event.

A veteran Workshop attendee, Dan sums it up well: “This is the best small group of people in this particular industry that I know. I hope you will join us!”

For more details, visit the MSRLPC website. The Early Bird Deadline is March 15, so register today and SAVE!

“The sessions were all uniquely informative and beneficial,” attests Adam Beck of Drexel Building Supply, a first-time attendee at the 2022 Workshop in Salt Lake City. “The Workshop seemed to be set up to cover MSR in its fullness – from production through use and logistics – as well as why it’s the product of choice. They covered all aspects in full.” (See Component Manufacturers Enjoy Valuable Networking & Learning Opportunities at 2022 MSR Workshop for more on the value of Workshop education.)

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