
James Walker, PE

Maximizing Profits with Patent Protection

James Walker

We all know the future belongs to off-site construction and the increasing use of components. Although it’s a small percentage now, it is projected to grow exponentially. It is a more efficient use of materials with less waste and reduces labor requirements – and this adds up to more...

#14278 Cover image
September 2022
Issue #14278
Page 78
Thom McAnally

Are You Feeling Lucky?

As you can tell from many of the articles in this issue, the BCMC show is a big deal for the structural building components industry. Every year, the trade show brings together exhibitors and manufacturers to hear about the latest and greatest developments. To contribute to the energy and...

#14278 Cover image
September 2022
Issue #14278
Page 81
Geordie Secord

Design Connections: Design: Software Power or Brain Power?

Geordie Secord

I sometimes wonder if I am at risk of becoming the truss designer version of the grouchy old man that sits on the front porch yelling at the neighborhood kids to “get off my lawn.” When I hear some newer designer criticize the limitations of today’s truss layout and design...

#14278 Cover image
September 2022
Issue #14278
Page 86
Tom Hardiman

Move Over Status Quo, Modular Wants a Seat at the Table

Tom Hardiman

The modular construction industry is not new. It’s not untried, untested, or untrue. It is a relatively small niche of the construction industry accounting for about 5.5% of all new building construction starts in 2021. And it is a somewhat fragmented industry in terms of the geographic...

#14278 Cover image
September 2022
Issue #14278
Page 92
Robert Inman

A Student’s Perspective: Attending the 2022 Simpson Strong-Tie Scholarship Trip

Robert Inman

Every year, Simpson Strong-Tie awards scholarships to students in the fields of engineering, architecture and construction management to help them on their educational journey. The company also flies all the scholarship winners out to Northern California to spend a whole week learning about the...

#14278 Cover image
September 2022
Issue #14278
Page 110
Joe Kannapell

The Last Word: The Last Word on Totally Robotic

Joe Kannapell

Attendees at BCMC 2019 stood safely right next to an awesome gesticulating robot and became immersed in observing record-breaking truss building – virtually, that is, through a VR headset. Back then, Trussmatic robots hadn’t made it stateside, and hadn’t yet handled our crazy...

#14278 Cover image
September 2022
Issue #14278
Page 130
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: What’s the Rush?

Anna Stamm

One July evening I was channel surfing and caught a commercial for some (stupid) movie debuting in the fall. They were highlighting cozy sweaters and falling leaves, while I wondered why anyone would be ready for autumn. Why should we be rushing to fall, and why are people always trying to rush...

#14277 Cover image
August 2022
Issue #14277
Page 6
Joe Kannapell

The Development of the Truss Plate, Part I: The Perfect Storm

Joe Kannapell

A nearly perfect confluence of circumstances combined to create the truss plate in South Florida. The wartime home-building hiatus, the post-war baby boom, and the northward (from Cuba) and southward (snowbird) migration to Florida all combined to skyrocket the demand for new housing. But what...

#14277 Cover image
August 2022
Issue #14277
Page 10
Wendy Boyd

Enjoy the Show at BCMC 2022

Wendy Boyd

In last month’s article, We’re ‘Not Slowing Down’ Until We Reach BCMC 2022, I talked about many of the reasons why you should come visit our Spida booth in September. This month, I’ll quickly remind everyone of some of the other reasons to attend this year’s...

#14277 Cover image
August 2022
Issue #14277
Page 17
Todd Drummond

Here is What Happens When Continuous Improvement is More than a Slogan

Todd Drummond

As a change agent for lean manufacturing best practices, it is extremely satisfying when I see a company embrace best practices despite their challenges. Too often, it is stated, “we (I) cannot implement or do the suggested improvement practice because _____” from so many claiming to...

#14277 Cover image
August 2022
Issue #14277
Page 22

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