
Ed Serrano

COVID-19 – Was This in Your Risk Analysis?

Ed Serrano

Every astute business owner has a risk analysis with plans to mitigate those risks. Within the Component Manufacturing industry, elements such as housing downturn, hacking of systems, machine failings, and staff safety concerns would generally make up the topics. I’d put money on the fact...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 47
Todd Drummond

Oakland Athletics Baseball and Component Manufacturing?

Todd Drummond

Anyone who knows me to any degree will tell you I am not a sports fan. I do not follow any professional sports or know much about the players and culture. So it may surprise you to have me compare component manufacturing (CM) to baseball. To be honest, I mean to compare the management practices...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 53
Tracy Roe

Better Tools for Wall Panel Design in Parametric 3D

Tracy Roe

Continuing our articles series on better tools for wall panel design, it’s time to start talking about parametric 3D. So, what is parametric 3D and what does it mean for you? According to Wikipedia, “Parametric design is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables the...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 64
Alpine Team

Prep Time for Truss Job Bids Cut in Half…or Even More!

Alpine Team

Alpine’s STITCHER software delivers significant savings for APEX Technology’s bidding and design tasks The Product STITCHER is a unique software tool developed by Alpine to free component estimators and designers from repetitive tasks and to speed both bidding and production...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 68
Mike Momb

Things Roof Truss Manufacturers SHOULD Ask, But Don’t Always

Mike Momb

I didn’t just fall off of a turnip truck yesterday, even though there are a few who may doubt my claim! Prefabricated metal plate connected wood trusses and I became close friends back in April of 1977. Yes, we had electricity then and no, I did not watch space aliens build...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 84
Craig Webb

What to Do If Someone at Your LBM Operation Gets (or May Have) the Coronavirus

Craig Webb

The rapid rise in cases of Americans infected or possibly infected with the coronavirus made it inevitable that the lumber and building materials industry would be affected eventually. Here are some expert recommendations on how you should respond if one of your employees gets the virus. Note...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 90
Thom McAnally

The Hiring Zone: A Typical Spring Hiring Season?

The Coronavirus is changing our landscape so fast that the three articles I wrote within the last week are no longer applicable. Because of this, I’ve decided to just give some facts and opinions from my vantage point at  First, as of March 24th, we have not...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 94
Gary Fleisher

8 Intrinsic Values of Modular Home Construction

Gary Fleisher

Whenever a site builder asks me why they should go modular, they are really asking me how they can make more money going modular. Some of them are long time site builders that have looked at converting to modular construction and just can’t bring themselves to pull the trigger. It’s...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 98
Thom McAnally

The 2020 World of Modular

The Modular Building Institute's 37th Annual Convention & Tradeshow at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida The Modular Building Institute graciously allowed The Advertiser to cover its 37th Annual World of Modular Convention and Tradeshow held March 9-12, 2020 in Orlando,...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 102
Robert Glowinski

AWC Operations Continue Despite COVID-19

Robert Glowinski

Perhaps like many of you, I am writing this message from my home. In light of safety precautions recommended because of the spread of COVID-19, or the Coronavirus, the American Wood Council (AWC) has closed our multi-person offices in Leesburg, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. until such time as...

#12249 Cover image
April 2020
Issue #12249
Page 106

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