Why We are in the Lumber Business

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Issue #09202 - May 2016 | Page #47
By Matt Layman

"Why do we do the things we do?" is not a rhetorical question or psychological evaluation. It is important that we understand the reasons why we work in a specific category of the lumber industry...or any profession. It is important because, subconsciously, our customers and suppliers want to do business with people who share their beliefs. That's right. We are not in it only for the money. Only when others know our beliefs, our reasons why, can they identify and align with us.

For example, I publish a lumber market analysis and forecast. Why? My wife and I have seven children, two sons in-law, two daughters-in-law, and six grand children. Without question they are the most important aspects of our lives. It is my desire to live a long, healthy and prosperous life. Why? To spend lots of time with my family. Not just quantity time, but quality time...playing in the floor, going to the park, getting ice cream, playing golf, having intellectual discussions, dancing, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries.

To be at the top of my physical and emotional game for each of them means having personal time for exercise, relaxation and recreation. To have time and energy to take care of myself and have quality time for my growing family, I need an occupation that I'm very good at, compensates me adequately, is enjoyable, and does not consume every waking minute of my life.

Because our family is geographically spread out, it is beneficial that my job can be done from anywhere, anytime, with flexible hours, and well into the golden years of my life. To have such a business requires a product and service that others will find value in, which creates for them the financial security, freedom and flexibility to enjoy what is valuable to them....their personal and family time.

That is why I publish Layman's Lumber Guide. Because it is good for me and allows me to enjoy my life... it is GREAT for you.

Following LAYMAN'S LUMBER GUIDE buying and selling strategies WILL help you build the financial security needed to spend quantity and quality time doing the things that are most important to you. That is why others subscribe to Layman's Lumber Guide.

Join us today...MONTH-to-MONTH...only $69.

Looking Forward, ML

Matt Layman

Author: Matt Layman

Matt Layman, Publisher, Layman’s Lumber Guide

You're reading an article from the May 2016 issue.

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