Making a Big Impression

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Issue #10220 - November 2017 | Page #12
By Sean Hubbard

For the nearly 1,500 attendees at the 2017 BCMC, a clear majority perused the Square 1 Design booth. Witnessing a more efficient way an individual person could stack more than four roof truss setups, or could produce more than 1,250 lineal feet of wall panels. It took considerable effort to bring an operational factory to the trade show, but educating our audience was our key focus.

Roof Truss Stacking

You were able to witness the depth of ability from Square 1 Design’s Intelligent Stacking Systems. We demonstrated that an individual can stack at least 4 different truss setups with a single remote control, while still hand stacking small trusses. Reducing labor in multiple cases from 5 men down to 1 man. With a payoff of less than 12 months, it is foolish to not further investigate Square 1 Design’s Intelligent Stacking Systems.

Wall Panel Extrusion

For years, we have attempted to educate the North American market on a better, faster, and more efficient way to build wall panels. Bringing a wall panel factory to the 2017 BCMC was the best path forward. Overwhelmed by the response from the attendees and exhibitors, we would like you to know that we appreciate your time and attendance. A special Thank You to the Spida Extruder operator Jonathan Kent from New Zealand whose first trip to North America was under extreme duress! Few realize Jonathan’s first look at the Spida Software was Tuesday night, when he was given a brief demo and a little time to build his first four wall panels ever on Spida Extruder. You could witness an individual who only learned the software a few hours earlier. Imagine how efficient an experienced operator could extrude a house.

Labor shortages continue to grow and that is often at the top of the list of things to improve. Square 1 Design demonstrated multiple ways to repurpose staff throughout the factory. Whether it be Roof Trusses, Wall Panels, or the Cutting Process, Square 1 Design & Manufacture Inc has the product line and product depth to assist all component manufacturers.

Certainly, a sincere “Thank You” is due to the entire Square 1 staff, Spida, Triad, and the BCMC for all the effort put forth, as well as Christopher Tatge, Bill Beck, Jake Robinson, and Jonathan Kent for utilizing wall panel components that were less than ideal. And Thank You to everyone who visited us at the show!

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