
Ben Hershey

It’s Time to Huddle Up!

Ben Hershey

Setting the tone for higher expectations and productivity I am often asked by lumber dealers, component manufacturers, and others for that “one thing” that will improve results, drive cultural change, hardwire behavior, or create lasting quality. I’ve come to realize there...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 25
Glenn Traylor

How Important is Angulation? Why is It Important?

Glenn Traylor

Per ANSI/TPI 1–2014, National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, plates should be installed within a 10 degree tolerance. So what happens when the plate is rotated and exceeds this requirement? The simple answer is: the configuration and design of...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 33
Todd Drummond

Independent CMs Still Have an Edge Over Multi-Location Companies

Todd Drummond

Since the home building crash of ‘08, there has been a huge spike in mergers and acquisitions of wood truss and wall panel component manufacturers. With all the big players in the market, independents naturally have concerns about staying competitive. Believe it or not, independents still...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 38
Shawn Overholtzer

BCMC 2018: Crafting Connections and Brewing Success

Shawn Overholtzer

The 37th Annual BCMC show took place in late October at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee. It was the second time in the past four years at this location, so most of us already knew the great restaurants and bars to visit. Every year the show just seems to get bigger and better, and this...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 48
Ray Fedorko

Still Growing Strong with Acceptance

Ray Fedorko

We’re pleased to report that Acceptance Leasing and Financing Service, Inc., (ALFS) located near Pittsburgh in Moon Township, Pennsylvania, continues to be a key player in its niche market for small and mid‐sized manufacturing businesses seeking easy access for commercial equipment...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 63
Thom McAnally

The Silence is Deafening

If you are a Boomer, Next Gen, Gen Z, Millennial, or Green Martian, you have been effected by the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act added the employer shared responsibility provisions under section 4980H of the Internal Revenue Code. (IRS) When the affordable...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 66
Robert Glowinski

Second Chance for Employees and Wood Products

Robert Glowinski

“Everything and everyone deserves a second chance.” That’s the philosophy of Second Chance Inc., a Baltimore-based non-profit that deconstructs homes and other buildings to salvage materials for reuse. It’s also a philosophy that the American Wood Council (AWC)...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 78
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: Lesson Learned: 2019 Will Out Do 2018

Matt Layman

2018 is a year for the record books. All time price highs followed by all time largest price drop in shortest time. One very important lesson learned or reinforced was how significantly supply disruptions can influence price movement. The variable is the set up. Specifically, the state of...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 82
Anna Stamm

3rd Annual Holiday Favorites Contest

Anna Stamm

Everything old is new again…or is it? This year’s contest polls our readers on some old-time favorites that are appearing again. Have they made a return in your home?  Hanging tinsel on the tree?         ​Yes        No Stringing...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 105
Joe Kannapell, PE

The Last Word: The Last Word on Giving

Joe Kannapell, PE

Though our industry has served millions of homeowners through the years, four (and soon to be a fifth) very special individuals stand out; those wounded heroes we have honored through Operation Finally Home. Through the generosity of SBCA members, we have provided beautiful homes, free and...

#10233 Cover image
December 2018
Issue #10233
Page 107

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