Spida Meets Your Requirements Head On

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Issue #13266 - September 2021 | Page #19
By Sean Hubbard

Recently, in lieu of my 15-year-old son destroying my personal vehicle while working through drivers education, I decided it was safer to purchase a vehicle specifically for him. For several months, I browsed the internet, visited car lots, and test drove cars. Eventually, this became such a laborious task I took a step back. It posed several questions. Why was this so difficult? What requirements were actually important to consumers? Why has the auto industry failed to understand its consumers?

Four key factors fundamentally determined my requirements as a consumer: functionality/fit for purpose, convenience, price, and reliability. Moving beyond cars, this led to my next question: how well does Spida Machinery meet these same requirements for the building components industry?

Functionality/Fit for Purpose

Spida Machinery offers the broadest range of equipment produced by a single manufacturer across the globe. That being said, the building codes in Australia or Europe are different than those of North America. So is Spida’s equipment really designed to fit the North American market? (Hint: Yes!)

Not only has Spida spent the last 5+ years improving, developing, and adding to the product line, Spida offers innovative solutions that no other O.E.M. offers. Having focused on continued growth in wall panel production equipment, Spida’s solutions have surpassed the capabilities of the early equipment developers in production, accuracy, and fit for purpose. I guarantee the Spida Sheather will surpass your expectations.

Broadening the scope of functionality, Spida’s cutting solutions rival that of any other manufacturer, all the while being under the same brand. The Spida PieceMaker tops the charts for linear saws with one of the largest cutting capacities available. What’s more, plate marking, truss cutting, and manual measuring devices provide consumers with solutions for nearly every challenge inside the factory.

Although not all component manufacturers produce wall panels, Spida’s solutions continue with Automated Roof Truss, Floor Truss, and Stacking solutions developed for the North American market.

Does Spida Machinery meet the Functionality/Fit for Purpose requirement for the building components industry? Absolutely!


Spida has representation around the globe and more specifically throughout North America. From factory-direct resources to skilled third-party representatives, Spida has a representative to cover you. Spida respects the need for convenience – often within 24 hours of a visit, an email, or a phone conversation, we’ll have electronic quotations delivered to you.

Spida’s drive to continually improve customer convenience is precisely why we hire the highly skilled and trained staff our customers have grown to expect. And, Spida continues to pursue additional remote sales and service staff to broaden our areas of coverage and convenience even more.

Does Spida Machinery meet the Convenience requirement for the building components industry? Certainly!


The current environment has created unique challenges. Spida has been proactive and reactive to market fluctuations. Global supply chains and manufacturing facilities have allowed Spida to maintain competitive prices. We understand Spida may not be the lowest cost or the highest, but we strive to be competitive. Spida’s 50+ years of commitment to the industry is confirmation that our equipment is priced for sustainability.

Does Spida Machinery meet the Price requirement for the building components industry? Precisely!


Manufacturers come and go, but Spida’s 50+ years of commitment to the industry is further confirmation of our equipment reliability. Irrespective of how well anyone builds equipment, component failures can occur, so it’s important to know you have a company behind you that will support you when needed. There’s no end date on our support either – it lasts as long as your Spida equipment is in service. In fact, it’s difficult to imagine, but our technical support team often works on equipment older than themselves. That is reliability!

Uptime is critical in today’s environment, so that’s why Spida is continuing to develop software that monitors your uptime and tracks the downtime. With the SDN software and a few clicks, consumers can notify our technical support team of downtime. Whether in person or remotely, our trained technical support team will be available to assist your team in minimizing the downtime.

Does Spida Machinery meet the Reliability requirement for the building components industry? Daily!


Eventually, I purchased a vehicle which met my requirements, but I left feeling the process was more frustrating and difficult than it should have been. Why? Because I never had a relationship with any of the companies where I sought to meet my needs. In my vehicle search, I was simply a number to that supplier, literally identified by my phone number and that was all.

Beyond meeting the customers’ requirements of functionality, convenience, price, and reliability, Spida does one more – we care about our customers and we take responsibility for their satisfaction. The culture at Spida is different – a customer isn’t identified as just a number, it’s personal. Not only is your name and company in our computer system, you’re likely in my cell phone and your maintenance staff is likely in my cell phone. Most likely, if you have Spida equipment, your name exists in at least one of our phones, because your requirements are important to Spida. At Spida, we want to meet your requirements head on.

You're reading an article from the September 2021 issue.

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