Take a Break from Everyday Business to Rejuvenate

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Issue #13258 - January 2021 | Page #94
By Gary Fleisher

The Off-Site construction industry is having a great year despite COVID-19. Most builders and developers are too busy working with new buyers, planning projects, and doing all the “in your face” work that needs to be done right now to worry much about next month, let alone next year.

But what we tend to forget is the roller coaster our industry rides decade after decade. Our politically charged country may result in another one of those coaster rides soon, but that is just speculation at the moment.

When times are good like now, new prospects always want to talk, the clients always buy within a few meetings, the contracts are flowing in, and your business can be managed without sacrificing too much family time. Things appear to be going quite well.

However, do not let complacency become your business partner!

There are things you should be doing on a regular basis to ensure the construction roller coaster doesn’t go back down for an extended period of time. Here are three you should be doing regularly, especially when business is good.

1. Never Ever Stop Networking

While the off-site construction market is good today, that could change due to factors that are entirely out of your control. Networking creates a business buffer by exposing you to new people and new experiences that you would have missed out on.

The best part is that, if you are doing great in sales, you can network without the stress of needing to find an immediate sale. Everyone you meet can become a long-range prospect and not a short-term target.

2. Never Stop Learning

Take some time to learn how to increase your expertise in an area of your operation that is lagging.

The value of that accumulated knowledge may be minimal now but, as your business grows and factors change, you may not have the time to dedicate to adding new knowledge points. Take advantage and do it now.

3. Volunteer Your Services

When you take the time to give of yourself, you build relationships that are long lasting and go beyond the day to day business activities you would normally engage.

Whether it is mentoring a new person in selling and building modular homes or swinging a hammer at a construction site, the intrinsic value is still there.

Studies have shown that people who volunteer are happier and healthier than those who do not volunteer. Finally, there are many instances where relationships formed through volunteer connections can also lead to business success.

While things are going well and the time is available, do some things that will pay long-term dividends for you and your business.

Your business, and more importantly your family, will thank you.


Gary Fleisher, the Modcoach is a housing veteran, editor/writer of the www.ModcoachNews.com and the www.Modular-homecoach.com blogs along with www.ModcoachConnects.com, the Off-Site Construction Consultant’s Directory. Contact modcoach@gmail.com.

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