Equipment Finance Companies to the Rescue

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Issue #16302 - September 2024 | Page #65
By Carl Villella, CLFP

Many companies took advantage of the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in 2021 by bidding on projects to rebuild the nation’s roads, bridges, ports, and broadband networks.

But the economic climate of 2021 when the bids were placed was much different than the economic climate of 2024, when the projects are now being implemented.

Higher inflation, labor shortages, and tightening credit are all taking a toll on the profitability of these projects, such that 17% of the 400 mid-sized construction firms surveyed with jobs awarded by the IIJA will actually lose money on their projects!

Equipment finance companies have come to the rescue for those companies looking for solutions from the pressure of rising costs and tighter credit.

When banks have pulled back, equipment finance companies continue to offer a reliable source of capital, enabling companies to keep their projects moving.

By offering a variety of flexible lending options, firms can unlock capital tied up in existing assets, providing much-needed cash flow to get them through a difficult period.

And equipment finance companies can deliver financing quickly and efficiently, without a lot of cumbersome paperwork.

So while the infrastructure boom provided plenty of opportunities, it is the equipment finance companies that are stepping in to provide the capital and flexible solutions that firms need to keep the infrastructure projects from grinding to a halt.

Can your company take advantage of the benefits that equipment financing, including working capital, can provide?

We invite you to contact us at 412 262-3225 to discuss your particular situation. We offer various types of financing programs that suit all types of borrowers and business scenarios.

We are Acceptance Leasing and Financing Service, Inc. We were established in 1992, which puts us in our 32nd year of business. We pride ourselves on our Certified Leasing and Financing Professional designation. We are a member of SBCA and a frequent attendee of the BCMC tradeshows. We can provide financing for any new and, regardless of age, used equipment.

Carl Villella

Author: Carl Villella

President, Acceptance Leasing and Financing Service

You're reading an article from the September 2024 issue.

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