
Sean Hubbard

Roof Truss Automated Jigging

Sean Hubbard

This month, I was able to view some of the systems recently installed at customer locations. All of the systems seem to be engineered well and mechanically sound. I would like to offer this bit of information: Alpine’s SmartView offers an operator’s advantage, with dimensioning...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 16
Todd Drummond

Estimating Truss Labor Using Board Footage Versus Proper Man-Minute Time Standards

Todd Drummond

For many years, I have been beating the drum that board footage (BF) is an imperfect unit measurement that our industry should abandon. The better alternative is the proven method of time estimations which uses man-minutes (MM). Man-minutes are derived from time-in-motion practices that have...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 22
Glenn Traylor

When Fabricating Components, Always Consider the End Result

Glenn Traylor

How the product will be used is a very important consideration when designing components, and it also comes into play during fabrication. The attic trusses in the photograph have a wedge installed at the wall–ceiling intersection. This is the intended design. Deeper in the rack,...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 30
Ben Hershey

How Does Your Company Performance Measure Up? The Importance of Benchmarking

Ben Hershey

I read a book recently that discussed the term “benchmark” and its origins as relates to business. Surprisingly, the term originates within the history of guns and ammunition. In fact, with the same aim we use it today—comparison and improved performance. The book talked...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 34
Keith Parker

How the DMAIC Process Can Improve Design Time

Keith Parker

As a follow up to our last article, How the DMAIC Process Helps Sustain Achievements and Drive Continuous Improvements, below is another example and case study based on the need to reduce design cycle time. After setting the parameters, I will outline the DMAIC Lean method and demonstrate how...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 40
Thom McAnally

Want to Be a Remote Designer? Consider This First

Remote Design positions have become mainstream, but that doesn’t negate the need and desire to have in-office Designers. When it comes to Remote Designers, the kind that are not just an hour from the office, most employers look at them as a commodity. It doesn’t matter if you are...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 72
Robert Glowinski

American Wood Council - Questions? We Have Answers

Robert Glowinski

One of the mandates of the American Wood Council is to make the job of code officials, engineers, and designers easier.  To do this, we provide the technology that is needed to best understand the use of wood in construction. For example, we develop wood design standards to ensure the...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 79
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: Lumber Doing Its Seasonal 180°

Matt Layman

Now 39 years into this lumber gig, there is one thing I have more confidence in than anything else. It is the foundation of my entire lumber career and reason for my success forecasting lumber market timing. The repeating lumber market cycle. Some of it sloshes around, yet, in spite of all the...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 81
Bryan Wert, MS, PE, SECB

Questions Answered: Resisting Uplift with Structural Fasteners

Bryan Wert

Of course you know about creating a continuous load path with either connectors or rod tiedown systems, but have you considered using fasteners instead? In this article, Bryan Wert follows up on our May 2 webinar, Drive a New Path: Resisting Uplift with Structural Fasteners, by answering some of...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 96
Anna Stamm

Rest In Peace, Kenny Cloyd

Anna Stamm

I was usually the voice on the other side of the phone or computer during my 13 years with WTCA/SBCA, but Ken Cloyd was a person I had the pleasure to meet face-to-face. And believe me, you don’t forget meeting Kenny. Even though it’s been nearly two years since we’ve had an...

#10228 Cover image
July 2018
Issue #10228
Page 108

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