
Todd Drummond

Why It’s Time to Add Component Manufacturing to Your Lumber Business

Todd Drummond

We’ve all seen the predictions: Component manufacturing is going to grow ever bigger as labor remains tight and big builders get more efficient. And with component manufacturing gross margins being higher than what you get for selling commodities, it’s a good time to ask:...

#10225 Cover image
April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 18
Shawn Overholtzer

The Art of the RFI

Shawn Overholtzer

Nothing will ruin your day faster than getting a call from a builder reporting an issue with trusses you’ve designed. You hear their frustration as they are faced with a potential delay and additional work to implement a fix. We all desire to eliminate those calls from our daily business,...

#10225 Cover image
April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 26
Steve Shrader

Technology, Progress, and Human Interaction

Steve Shrader

Last month, I talked about how things were “back in the day” as compared to now. The Servo Revolution is upon us, and we must all work to keep up with technology. Modern technology drives our businesses, both literally and figuratively. Even so, technology is not the sole element in...

#10225 Cover image
April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 32
Glenn Traylor

There’s More to Lumber Qualification Than Just the Grade Stamp!

Glenn Traylor

Picking usable lumber involves more than just the initial grade stamp. We can think of the stamp as the first step, but we can’t stop there. Truss fabricators depend on the lumber supplier to provide effective grading protocols that will produce materials with predictable design values....

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April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 36
Dean Rana

Gantry Production for Wood Trusses: What are Good Production Numbers?

Dean Rana

Automated jig setups for gantry tables and linear saws are a couple of the best things to come along in our truss facilities in a long time. Obviously, we know the most time spent to build a truss is setting it up. Now we are setting up difficult trusses in seconds. Across the country, most...

#10225 Cover image
April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 44
Ben Hershey

Change Your Dynamic By Investing in Your Team

Ben Hershey

What is the difference between companies which are stuck in the status quo and those which are transforming themselves into the leader in their industry? One significant difference is their focus on Continuous Improvement. By focusing on making things better—People, Projects, and...

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April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 51
Keith Parker

How the DMAIC Lean Method Can Be Applied to the Sales Process

Keith Parker

Last month’s article, Using the DMAIC Lean Method to Accomplish Improvement and Take the First Steps to New Goals, used a case study to explore the DMAIC Lean method. This month another case study will be used to  demonstrate how this process can be implemented in your...

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April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 66
Robert Glowinski

Mass Timber Making Progress

Robert Glowinski

The International Code Council (ICC) reviews and updates its family of building codes on a three-year cycle. The code change proposals that will be considered this year affect the fire provisions of the building (IBC) and fire (IFC) codes, and they have been publicly posted. These changes, if...

#10225 Cover image
April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 81
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: More Lumber Price Volatility Ahead

Matt Layman

There are three fundamental lumber market components that will likely combine to make 2018 the most volatile year for prices on record.  LABOR: ICE gave notice last week that it intends to crack down on undocumented workers in the construction industry...on the jobsites. We already...

#10225 Cover image
April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 83
Thom McAnally

Sample Standards of Performance: Production Manager/Supervisor

My last article, “Standards of Performance for Smarties,” talked about writing Standards of Performance (SOP). Although an SOP uses a job description for guidance, it’s actually a performance measurement document that identifies the employee’s expected level of...

#10225 Cover image
April 2018
Issue #10225
Page 95

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