
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: The BEST Sales Pitch...Ever

Matt Layman

Sales-folk are plagued with an addiction to “get the order.” Deep down inside, we want ALL the orders. Unfortunately, for every sales person, there is an opponent who has the same desire...Get ‘em all. Egotistical human drive opened the door for masters of the art of selling...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 91
Paul McEntee, S.E.

Making Wood Connections Work for Two-Hour Fire Walls

Paul McEntee

My wife made furniture shopping a family event last weekend, which meant I had to go. The showroom was in a concrete tilt-up with open-web steel joists and a wood roof. My oldest son asked me who decides what construction materials are used, and why. He’s starting college in the fall and...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 102
Joe Kannapell, PE

The Last Word: on Computer Evolution...The Transition from Hardware to Software

Joe Kannapell, PE

Struggling mightily to hand-design enough trusses, we suppliers aggressively pursued computer solutions. When mainframe hardware was introduced in the 1960s, our then-competitor, Gang Nail Systems, installed a Control Data “Cyber 70” in a customized, climate controlled computer room,...

#10230 Cover image
September 2018
Issue #10230
Page 113
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Cyber Security and Progress

Anna Stamm

For the last few weeks, I’ve been inundated with a barrage of emails with attached “invoices.” About 90% are caught by the spam filter, but that other 10% ends up in my inbox. I have no problem with simply pressing “delete” to rid myself of them, but there’s a...

#10229 Cover image
August 2018
Issue #10229
Page 6
Joe Kannapell, PE

Celebrating 50 Years of Truss Design

Joe Kannapell, PE

Part I: Computerization Begins The arrival of the first computers 50 years ago signaled that truss design had come of age. And they came just in time. We urgently needed them to meet the growing demand for truss designs. But they didn’t come with experienced operators – in the...

#10229 Cover image
August 2018
Issue #10229
Page 8
Sean Hubbard

Wall Panel Framing Stations & 
Wall Panel Plate Marking Systems

Sean Hubbard

We started with our foundation, floor truss equipment. Then we went up to roof truss production equipment. Now, it’s time to frame our project with walls. Each month as I visit manufacturers’ websites, I am amazed at all of the equipment available within our industry....

#10229 Cover image
August 2018
Issue #10229
Page 17

Aloha from Honsador Lumber

George Fishtorn

In April, I accepted the role of General Manager of the Oahu Lumber division and Truss Plant operation. Although I had spent most of my career at Kimal Lumber & Hardware in southwest Florida, and even served as the 2012 Florida Building Materials Association Chair, I decided the move from...

#10229 Cover image
August 2018
Issue #10229
Page 22
Ben Hershey

The Relationship Between Lean and Safety

Ben Hershey

In my experience and with the work I do with hundreds of component manufacturers, I find that many companies will tell me Safety is important, but, in practice, safety is treated as a burden on the company. Good managers will always have an attitude that they want all of their employees to be...

#10229 Cover image
August 2018
Issue #10229
Page 24
Glenn Traylor

What is the Most Common Fabrication Issue That Impacts a Truss?

Glenn Traylor

The most common problem typically encountered is excessive defects in the plated area of the truss. While some defects are acceptable in the plated area, the degree of defects depends on the actual joint situation and forces at the joint. Connector sizes are controlled by design, handling,...

#10229 Cover image
August 2018
Issue #10229
Page 32
Todd Drummond

Labor Shortage in the Construction Industry is Partially a Self-Inflicted Wound

Todd Drummond

Our industry has been ignoring and not understanding 51% of the population’s needs—specifically, those of women therefore limiting the qualified candidates to fill vital openings

#10229 Cover image
August 2018
Issue #10229
Page 36

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