
Joe Kannapell, PE

BCMC 2017 Omaha

Joe Kannapell, PE

This year’s Show, some 45 years after my first, brought some amazing revelations. The most awesome sight was an actual working truss plant on the Show floor. The most intriguing experience was being transported inside a robotic plant. And, the most welcome sounds were good economic...

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 6
Sean Hubbard

Making a Big Impression

Sean Hubbard

For the nearly 1,500 attendees at the 2017 BCMC, a clear majority perused the Square 1 Design booth. Witnessing a more efficient way an individual person could stack more than four roof truss setups, or could produce more than 1,250 lineal feet of wall panels. It took considerable effort to...

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 12
Joe Kannapell, PE

Trusses and Mechanical Systems

Joe Kannapell, PE

Truss designers be aware: energy codes are changing HVAC systems. Until recently, duct layouts were designed like truss layouts of the 1970s – hand-drawn on blue prints. Since Building Officials don’t require residential heating/AC layouts, you may have not known of collisions until...

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 19
Todd Drummond

Is a Linear Saw Paired with Each Roof Truss Assembly Table a Magic Cure for the Best Lean System?

Todd Drummond

A current trend in our industry is that the component manufacturers are being advised that one should have a fully automated lumber retrieval system linked to an automated linear saw that pushes the cut lumber directly to the assembly table with an auto puck system. This type of setup is often...

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 28
Glenn Traylor

So Who Exactly is Responsible for Lumber Quality?

Glenn Traylor

In the United States, we are blessed with an abundance of quality building materials we may chose to use while fabricating our wood truss products. As long as we are able to confidently predict lumber values and our truss design software has the proper values entered, we can be assured a quality...

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 34
Ben Hershey

Skills Play a Vital Role in Lean Management

Ben Hershey

Part 8 in our TIMWOODS Series Our journey through the various waste topics in Lean brings us to the final letter in our series on TIMWOODS: Skills. Many companies, managers, and supervisors forget when improving their operations to look at their team and review how their skills are being...

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 44
Robert Glowinski

Onerous Wood Dust Proposal Modified in California

Robert Glowinski

In 2016, the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) proposed to significantly lower the permissible exposure limit (PEL) of wood dust from 5 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) to 1 mg/m3. Earlier this year the Cal/OSHA Standards Board considered that proposal....

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 69
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: Robotics: Labor Solution and The Future of the Housing

Matt Layman

The housing industry has been begging for workers going on a decade now. The American citizen work force is not answering the call. Consequently, housing construction has become completely dependent on undocumented workers. Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics technology are...

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November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 71
Keith Parker

Is Your Organization Ready for Change?

Keith Parker

The pace of today’s business requires agility and the ability to change. But beware, “change” can be difficult on you, your staff, and your company. Sometimes change is accomplished with small steps, other times you might have to destruct the very structures that have taken...

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 72
Thom McAnally

Remote Designer’s Glass Ceiling

The Glass Ceiling is not just a gender or education-based obstacle, it can sometimes be created by career path choices. In our industry, a new Glass Ceiling is coming from Truss Designers deciding to pursue a Home-Based (Remote) position. By remote, we’re talking about at least 4 hours...

#10220 Cover image
November 2017
Issue #10220
Page 83

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