
Todd Drummond

Three Key Obstacles to Overcome to Improve Your Operations

Todd Drummond

Every consultation is different, yet some things remain the same. People are creatures of habit, and some of the issues that are dealt with during the consultations are very similar. Three key obstacles or areas are so common that I have yet to find a company not struggling with each of...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 30
Glenn Traylor

Is There Such Thing as Too Much Pressure?

Glenn Traylor

Too much pressure is not only a problem in our lives, it can also be a problem in our plants. One of the most important issues when manufacturing quality trusses is plate embedment. Without proper embedment, the connector plate cannot adequately transfer load forces through the members down to...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 36
Ben Hershey

Disruptive Innovation with LBM/Component Companies

Ben Hershey

Over the years, our industry has seen a lot of innovation in how we handle materials, how we manufacture, and how we take a house from an idea to a component using the computer. But, over the past few years, we have seen an acceleration in big ideas, disruption, and what we can do using...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 46
Robert Glowinski

Get Your Building Official to Vote on Code Changes

Robert Glowinski

The International Code Council (ICC) building code update process for the 2021 code cycle is officially underway! In late December, the ICC Tall Wood Building Ad-hoc Committee submitted a package of 19 proposed changes for the 2021 edition of the building code that would collectively allow...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 73
Frank Woeste. P.E.

All Things Wood: Safety Information for Post-Frame Truss Installation

Frank Woeste

The recent jobsite installation accident involving truss construction, “Three injured in north Washington County barn collapse,” is a reminder of the incredible value of BCSI-B10 for truss installation contractors who install trusses spanning up to 81-ft. and spaced up to 12-ft....

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 75
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: What Could Go Wrong? vs. Nothing Could Go Wrong!

Matt Layman

“What is the lumber market going to do?” is a very important question and the answer is very simple. It is going to rise and fall. Brilliant, right? A better question might be, “How far will lumber prices rise and fall?” That answer requires an understanding of...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 81
Keith Parker

So You and Your Company are Ready to Accomplish New Goals and Take the First Steps to Improve

Keith Parker

As the owner of your company, you have outlined new goals to improve and grow your company. You have reached consensus; each staff member understands your vision and that change will bring mutual benefits. Key management has committed to the changes required to move forward. You have committed...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 82
Thom McAnally

Do You Set Your Employees Up to Fail or Succeed?

In a prior life, many moons ago, I experienced different programs when it came to employee reviews and evaluations. Some were formalized, and others happened only when you had enough guts to ask your boss for a raise. Two companies that I worked for had programs which stood out in my mind as...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 93
Paul McEntee, S.E.

What You Should Know About the New DGH Fire Wall Hanger Options

Paul McEntee

Does everyone do year-end performance reviews to discuss how you did on your project objectives and professional development goals? I love meeting with my team to recap all their amazing accomplishments for the past year, discussing long-term career plans and figuring out the steps we will take...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 96
Joe Kannapell, PE

The Last Word: Will the Component Industry Be Next?

Joe Kannapell, PE

Disrupters have destroyed retail chains (Jeff Bezos at, threatened the car industry (Elon Musk at Tesla), and are now targeting the component industry (Bill Gates et. al.)? Mr. Gates and leading venture capitalists have placed separate bets totaling nearly a Billion dollars that they...

#10223 Cover image
February 2018
Issue #10223
Page 107

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