How Lasers Help Alleviate Labor and Production Constraints

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Issue #14273 - April 2022 | Page #68
By Jim Mavrakes

In 2002, our company was responsible for outfitting a complete component plant in Asia where we learned the true value of the statement, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The visual nature of lasers bridged an absolute language barrier between our team and the local folks who would ultimately build roof trusses in a country where there was no word for roof truss! Once the lasers were operational, we simply showed them the cut materials with connector plates, outlined by the laser on the table, demonstrated how to seat the plate with a hammer, and training was accomplished with a few head nods and some smiles. That was no fluke. We did it again recently with a novice team of builders in Botswana, Africa, and this time we did it remotely.

Closer to home, we hear component manufacturers lament the lack of labor and, among the available labor force, the lack of experience. One of the fastest, proven ways to train people on assembling components is with the use of a laser projection system. The laser shows the exact geometry of the component and can also project the size of the connector plate and other information directly onto the assembly table, for both truss components and wall panels. For these reasons and more, Wood Tech Systems has been promoting SL-Laser systems for many years in hundreds of component plants across North America and around the world.

A major advantage of using lasers in a tight labor market is that training new people consists of telling them to, “put this board on this line and put this plate on that line; then repeat that with the next board…”. Because the laser lines are visual, there is no language barrier. This allows rookies to be immediately productive, since even a novice can tell if a board isn’t oriented correctly and then use the laser line to reorient the board. Can you imagine a new hire, on day one, being able to accurately jig a complicated roof truss?

SL-Laser systems are simple to install, even over existing assembly equipment, with very little disruption to a plant’s production schedule. A typical installation will require less than 3 days including calibration and training for your staff. Additionally, with the use of an SL-Laser system, setup time can be significantly reduced by up to 70% with dead-on accuracy. The system integrates smoothly with your existing design software, and, if you’re using automated pucks, the lasers follow the lead of the automated puck software. In addition to that, consider that typical laser installations install at ¼ the cost of auto-jigging and are ready to use in hours as opposed to days or weeks for retrofit systems.

Controlling the SL-Laser system can be accomplished in several ways. While you have the option to use SL-Laser’s computer hardware, you can also elect to use your existing computer hardware, or even the included off-the-shelf remote controllers. As a result, your labor force can use the system without walking back and forth to the computer to initiate the next component projection.

SL-Laser never requires you sign a service agreement, so you will never be obliged to give a customer service rep your credit card before they answer a question or set you up to “exchange” a projector. Better yet, most common repairs can be performed by your team on-site while never having to reconfigure the projector or take it down and ship it out of the country. All of SL-Laser’s highly experienced and dedicated service personnel are based in Charlotte, North Carolina with after-hours phone support available if needed, at no cost to you.

SL features a superior closed-cabinet design that is never exposed to outside dusty air and never requires someone to climb 20 feet to clean air filters (or pay a service tech to do it). Why? Because SL has external cooling fins with an external fan to keep the projector running cooler, shining brighter, and lasting longer than any other available brand in the wood component industry. It’s been leading the way in wood component laser projection throughout North America since its inception. It’s driving measurable improvements for a rapid return on investment for roof truss, wall, and floor panel producers every day. Improved quality, reduced setup times, and no service agreements are just a few of the great improvements SL can project.

We’d like you to see firsthand how SL-Laser can deliver for you. Contact our team at Wood Tech Systems today.

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