Multi Family Tools for Wall Panel Design

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Issue #12248 - March 2020 | Page #62
By Tracy Roe

Last month’s article launched our series on the most advanced panel design software in decades: Truebuild® Layout with panel design functionality. Written from the ground up by industry veterans and developed by the best in-house team in the industry, we listened to what you needed, and Panel designers now have complete model control and previously unavailable features at their fingertips. This month’s article will explore one of its top features, the new PRO Multi Family Tool.

The PRO Multi Family Tool is an efficient and accurate way to combine individual models into a larger model and retain all parametric connections. In a multi-family example, a designer can create all of the individual units of a project as separate models. Then when they are ready to start creating a model for a building, they can simply insert desired units into the master model to create the building. [For images, See PDF or View in Full Issue]

Smart alignment tools allow for options such as offset, flip, and rotate while combining the separate units into the master model with precision.

Layer control is another time saving feature that has many benefits. Create multiple layers, copy layers, and even control visibility and selectability by layer. These features all maintain parametric 3D visibility.

More than simple copy and paste, these units retain their connection to the master model. This means that when the contractor changes window suppliers and the rough opening specification changes by a fraction of an inch, the designer only needs to change the unit model. These changes automatically will be carried across the building model.

With the newest panel design platform available, Eagle Metal is continuing to show its dedication to the industry providing dependable, efficient, and effective design and engineering software solutions. We are empowering great component manufacturers to build more.

You're reading an article from the March 2020 issue.

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