
Todd Drummond

Simple Truths for the New Year

Todd Drummond

Lean manufacturing principles help people break through their mindset by helping people challenge what they perceive is an absolute. Beside equipment upgrades, how long has your group been doing what they are doing without any changes or refinements to the methods in other areas besides the...

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 24
Glenn Traylor

Is This an Allowable Repair?

Glenn Traylor

There is nothing worse than running a truss out the door and then realizing one of the truss members is broken. The question is – can I make a quick fix using a connector plate? The short answer is – no. But there are many who may not realize that specific engineering is required for...

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 28
Stan Sias

Question of the Day: Bottom Chords and Gable End Frames

Stan Sias

Why do some still insist on placing flat bottom chord gable end frames adjacent to vaulted or scissor trusses when the codes clearly do not allow such framing without special engineering requirements? Can you point me to the code sections that say “No, thank you!”? This is a...

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 34
Robert Glowinski

Industry Priorities for the Incoming U.S. Congress

Robert Glowinski

On January 3, the 115th U.S. Congress convenes for its opening day proceedings and the first orders of official business begin. The annual budget process will commence over the coming months and Congress will largely determine federal spending allocations, including how funds are distributed by...

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 57
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: Anticipated 2x4 Prices H1-2017

Matt Layman

Part Three in the Save Money Series I certainly do not have crystal ball, but I do have something almost as good. I have history and the ability to analyze the market from a fundamental and technical perspective. Together they provide an 86% accurate forecast of when prices will rise and...

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 59
Ben Hershey

Why Coaching is Important to Continuous Improvement

Ben Hershey

If you are like me, you spend the later part of the year setting goals for the coming year and planning how to accomplish them. For those who work for me, I always set goals, metrics, and participate in a conference on how we are going to achieve what we want together. Over the last few months,...

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 67
Kelly Sias, P.E.

A Tale of Two Houses: Design Loads for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses

Kelly Sias

Take two trusses with identical profiles and environmental surroundings, and they should have the same design loads, right? Early in my career, I recall hearing a story about two identical buildings right next to each other that were designed for two different magnitudes of environmental loads....

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 72
A. Holt Gwyn

The Dirty Dozen Subcontract Clauses

A. Holt Gwyn

Introduction The following subcontract clauses are taken from actual general contractor subcontract forms in use in the Southeast.  Most of these provisions are buried within the “General Conditions” of the subcontract form, often in tiny print.  While the precise...

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 77
Joe Kannapell, PE

The Last Word: Sales Lessons from the Election

Joe Kannapell, PE

Watching Trump versus Clinton taught us some lasting lessons in sales. We witnessed the classic competitive duel – two large organizations (political parties) raising loads of money to hype their national brands (the candidates themselves) to make the sale (win the election) on November...

#10210 Cover image
January 2017
Issue #10210
Page 85
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Giving Thanks, Celebrating the Season, and Striving to Be Better

Anna Stamm

This is the time of year when we are all reflecting on our lives. We give thanks during Thanksgiving, and we look forward to a shiny and bright holiday season through the end of the year. Over time, some of this may start to feel automatic, as we slip into the same routines we take every year,...

#09209 Cover image
December 2016
Issue #09209
Page 4

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