
Joe Kannapell, PE

Truss Robotics

Joe Kannapell, PE

The path of factory innovation is leading us to automated systems rather than true robotics. Though industrial robotics has been used for 30 years in our industry, it has served mainly as a forerunner to later systems. Its earliest commercialization, the robotic arms of the Koskovich component...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 6
Sean Hubbard

Truss Stackers

Sean Hubbard

With the resurgence of new home construction we have seen unprecedented interest and growth in our outdoor equipment division.  There are certainly many ways to accomplish the conveying, stacking and banding of the truss package. Numerous truss plants continue to stack trusses manually,...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 8
Carl Schoening

Las Vegas: OQM 2017

Carl Schoening

Well, I just returned from the SBCA Open Quarterly Meeting in Las Vegas. It was almost historical. This was the first time that I can remember the OQM being in Las Vegas. It seems a place that has a way of drawing greater attendance for any event and this was true for the OQM. A great time...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 12
Todd Drummond

Design, Sales, and Admin Labor Shortages? – Give Them More Time by Automating Your Communications!

Todd Drummond

The call for more designers, salespeople and just about every other admin personnel is getting louder by the day. There are not enough hours in the week to meet sales demands. What if you could provide your team with tools that would give them more time? This way, you could save money by having...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 26
Glenn Traylor

When I Cut My Lumber, Do I Affect the Lumber Grade?

Glenn Traylor

As a general rule, when you cut lumber to length, the lumber grade is unchanged. In those cases, care should be taken to transfer that grade verification along with the cut lumber. This can be done with a lumber crayon, segregation, tagging, or many other suitable ways. Ripping lumber,...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 30
Mike Bugbee

Growing Forward with Oregon Truss

Mike Bugbee

Oregon is one of the strongest building markets in the country, and Oregon Truss is preparing for the next chapter of our future. Thanks to our founder Wayne Beebe’s foresight to plan for expansion, we have a brand new factory that enables us to maintain normal lead times while our...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 34
Ben Hershey

How Quality Control is Essential in Your Lean Program

Ben Hershey

Part 4 in our TIMWOODS Series Shigeo Shingo, who is considered the world’s leading expert on manufacturing practices and the Toyota Production System, wrote “humans are animals that make mistakes.” But how often do we make mistakes in our lumber yards, millwork, and...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 50
Robert Glowinski

How the Green Building Revolution is Encouraging the Wood Products Market

Robert Glowinski

While it’s well known that wood products offer a wide variety of environmental benefits – typically less embodied energy, lower air and water pollution, and a lighter carbon footprint than other commonly used building materials – it can often be a challenge to translate this...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 63
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: Transition From Multi-Family to Single Family Is Here

Matt Layman

For a few months now, I have detected an uneasiness among lumber buyers. Near term expectations are bullish, however, there is an underlying sense of caution. Something is just not quite right in the housing sector. I believe I know what it is. Winds of Change Several years ago, when...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 65
Frank Woeste. P.E.

All Things Wood: A “Truss Frame” Safe Room for Protecting Your Family?

Frank Woeste

Being that it is early spring, it may be a good time to think about taking steps to protect your family in the event of a tornado. The 4th Edition of FEMA P-320, introduced below, contains a “treasure” of design information for constructing a residential safe room, either in the home...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 67

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