
Glenn Traylor

What are the Acceptable Methods of Plating a Connector?

Glenn Traylor

In a perfect world, our trusses smoothly flow from the assembly table to the finish roller without any problems. Each connector, on both sides of the assembly, is adequately pressed and a completed truss is the result. Unfortunately, we don’t live in this perfect environment. Stuff...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 28
Ben Hershey

Robotics in the LBM & Component Industry

Ben Hershey

A book I read in 2015, “Rise of the Robots,” by Martin Ford, talked about the threat many people see that robots present to the employment marketplace. At the time, I was working with several different equipment manufacturers and clients on their automated/robotic equipment...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 48
Robert Glowinski

The Next Generation of Building Professionals

Robert Glowinski

At the American Wood Council, our engineers develop state-of-the-art engineering data, technology, and standards for wood products to assure their safe and efficient design. They are also very involved in our work with building and fire codes, providing the technical background and research...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 61
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: Countervailing Duty Preliminary Ruling...19.88%...Bearish For Lumber

Matt Layman

Preliminary CVD announced at 19.88% The pieces are falling into place. Department of Commerce has issued its preliminary countervailing duty on Canadian softwood lumber exports destined for the U.S. The rate of 19.88% is lower than the anticipated 30%. In addition, the four largest producers...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 65
Frank Woeste. P.E.

All Things Wood: A Common-Sense Design to Create Durable Overhangs

Frank Woeste

Decay, or wood rot, requires three conditions to be present: liquid water, oxygen, and a favorable temperature (generally between 35 and 100 degrees F). Of the three, the only factor that can be managed by building design is liquid water. Hence, overhangs of sufficient width are critical to...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 66
Kelly Sias, P.E.

Treated Lumber and Trusses (and the One Condition Under Which MPC Wood Trusses Shouldn’t Be Used)

Kelly Sias

What do a chicken house, a water treatment plant and a raised wood floor system all have in common? Very likely, they all involve preservative-treated lumber. They’re also all examples of common environments in which preservative-treated, metal-plate-connected (MPC) wood trusses may be...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 76
Gary Auman

OSHA’s New Electronic Recordkeeping Rule and Anti-Retaliation Provisions

Gary Auman

The new Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s electronic recordkeeping rule to improve tracking of workplace injuries and illness became effective on January 1, 2017. The rule includes provisions to protect those who report injuries or illnesses from retaliation by their...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 80
Randy Shackelford, P.E.

Building Code Update: 2018 IBC to Reference ASCE 7-16

Randy Shackelford

In early December, ICC posted the preliminary results of the Group B Online Governmental Consensus Vote, which included structural changes to the IBC, IEBC and IRC. ICC reports that there were more than 162,000 votes cast by eligible Voting Members during the three-week online voting...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 83
Joe Kannapell, PE

The Last Word: The Last Word on Travel Planning

Joe Kannapell, PE

My best advice is to always deal directly with hotels and airlines, and avoid buying from “middlemen” like Priceline. They don’t save you money anymore according to the New York Times’ Frugal Traveler (see April 18 article by Lucas Peterson). Perhaps they did before these...

#10214 Cover image
May 2017
Issue #10214
Page 89
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Never Rule Out the Unexpected

Anna Stamm

Life is unpredictable. I know you’ve heard that before, but it bears repeating…and repeating. As we grow older, we think we know stuff. That’s natural. It started when we were children – every time we learned something, we knew we were a little smarter and, by the same...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 4

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