
Fred Tai, P.E.

Mass Timber Construction – Building for the Future

Fred Tai

The future is here. It is common knowledge that wood is a renewable and environmentally friendly building material. There are two types of wood-framing methods in North America. The most common method for residential construction is light-frame construction using either balloon-framing or...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 76
Joe Kannapell, PE

Vivian Hollinshed, R.I.P.

Joe Kannapell, PE

Not one of the fathers of our industry did more design work than Vivian Hollinshed. Over his 55 active years, on the small drafting board behind his desk, this magnificent man named Vivian crafted countless fine homes and innovative commercial buildings. All the while pioneering trusses in a...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 80
Andrew Cerrone, MSA, MBA, MA

Never Accept Your Employer’s Counter-Offer

Andrew Cerrone

You’ve been hunting for months for a new job offer. You’re just not happy with one, some, or all parts of your current job and it’s been stressful to say the least. Finally, after constant interviews, follow-ups, follow up interviews, follow up interview follow-ups, and...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 81
Joe Kannapell, PE

A Tribute to Caring

Joe Kannapell, PE

“If I didn’t care for him so much, I’d let him go,” said the late Vivian Hollinshed about an aspiring young designer, Chuck Rogers. Chuck knew nothing about trusses when he came to Vivian’s company, Comtech in Fayetteville, NC. And now, nearly 20 years later, thanks...

#10213 Cover image
April 2017
Issue #10213
Page 85
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Celebrating an Industry Legend

Anna Stamm

A quick internet search of the term “legendary” will reveal this among the possible definitions: “remarkable enough to be famous; very well known.” Unfortunately, our industry has lost another member who was very well known, very well respected, and very well...

#10212 Cover image
March 2017
Issue #10212
Page 4
Sean Hubbard

Growing Interest – Wall Panels

Sean Hubbard

Our team is often asked how a single operator can produce over 1000 lineal feet of wall panels. The answer comes from both the process flow and the material flow. We know, when an operator leaves their workstation, production is lost. Production can be lost at their station as well as other...

#10212 Cover image
March 2017
Issue #10212
Page 8
Carl Schoening

The Passing of Greatness

Carl Schoening

I said I wouldn’t write again, but I felt compelled to, at the very least, commemorate the passing of a great human being. In the past few weeks, many of you have read articles about the passing of Dwight Hikel. Dwight was something pretty special. Not just as a businessman or component...

#10212 Cover image
March 2017
Issue #10212
Page 12
Joe Kannapell, PE

The Future of Closed-Wall Panels

Joe Kannapell, PE

The linear saw and auto-jigging reduce plant labor but they don’t increase the selling price of components, like the Blueprint Robotics panelization does, in spades. And, as more plants automate, component sales dollars may actually be eroded by price-cutting in a flat housing market. Is...

#10212 Cover image
March 2017
Issue #10212
Page 16
Todd Drummond

Component Manufacturing a Cash Cow Division

Todd Drummond

In the wood truss component industry, we have the independents, who are not associated with lumberyards, and then we have those who are owned by lumberyards. What I found striking is that the lumberyard owned and operated component manufacturers (CMs) consistently make far less money than the...

#10212 Cover image
March 2017
Issue #10212
Page 26
Glenn Traylor

What is a Better Way to Survey, Inspect, and Record Data When Making Truss Inspections?

Glenn Traylor

When you write a letter or series of paragraphs, sometimes it’s difficult to proof the very thing you just wrote. Why is that? Because you don’t approach it with a clean-slate perspective but with an expectation of what you think it says. Likewise in our industry, it’s often...

#10212 Cover image
March 2017
Issue #10212
Page 30

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