
Shane Dittrich

Robotic – Automated Solutions for CMs

Shane Dittrich

Alpine & House of Design are Partnering to Bring the Latest in Automated Solutions to Component Manufacturers At a trade show last fall, my business partner and I met a third-generation owner of a truss plant. He was in search of ideas, perhaps a fresh perspective, new technology maybe?...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 64
David Boyce

Flying Trusses and Delivering Results

David Boyce

We’ve dubbed the photo on this month’s cover “flying trusses,” because that’s how it can appear when you’re delivering an outstanding product in a limited space. But space concerns have never stopped our team at Lowder. [For all photos, See PDF or View in Full...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 74
Randy Goruk

9 Success Factors for Exceptional Leadership During Challenging Times

Randy Goruk

As we traverse the second half of 2020, we can expect the ftime between now and January 2021 to fly by. As it does, we have to prepare to lead our teams through the year’s extreme challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic and other events—hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons, cyber-crime,...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 84
Omer Abdullah

Stop Asking Your Customers What They Want

Omer Abdullah

In business today, we are told to believe that the customer is always right. So surely it makes sense to ask their opinion, listen to them, and actively respond to their advice with new products, adjustments, and enhancements. This makes sense, broadly, for incremental changes. Changes...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 92
Thom McAnally

The Hiring Zone: What’s New at the Hiring Zone

Recently, there was an article in another publication that talked about workforce resources for members of the structural building components industry. The article included the typical, nationally recognized companies—Indeed, Glass Door, Monster, Zip Recruiter, CareerBuilder, and even...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 96
Gary Fleisher

The Future of Modular Construction in (Post-)COVID-19

Gary Fleisher

Shortly after COVID-19 became the most debilitating thing that has happened to the US economy in recent history, modular construction stepped up to fill the demand for temporary medical facilities. Many modules were built to meet that need, but here we are just 5 months later and that market...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 100
Robert Glowinski

With Latest Publication, AWC Once Again Leads Charge on Mass Timber Construction

Robert Glowinski

As former students, we all know the importance of having a study guide. A great study guide pulls together all the pertinent information from various sources to help you focus on the topic at hand. In the world of mass timber construction, complex codes and standards need to be well understood...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 106
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: Everyone Knows Why 2x4s Are $1000, Right?

Matt Layman

Are you feeling like we are in a great big room, pitch dark and no one can find the light switch? Well, let’s try to find one. First off, everyone knows how we got here, right? You know it’s not COVID, or the economy, or housing starts, or DIY, or interest rates, or the stock market....

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 108
Sravya Kaku

Experiencing the Supply Chain Through the Real World

Sravya Kaku

Growing up in Ongole, India, an average town, my father taught me to follow my passion. Although he is a police officer, a true public servant, he always wanted to start his own business. He began an import/export company which made him a middleman to haul goods for other shippers. But, in part...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 110
Caleb Knudson

Introducing the Code-Listed Strong-Wall® Site-Built Portal Frame System for Prescriptive Design

Caleb Knudson

Many of you reading this may already be familiar with our Strong-Wall site-built portal frame system, or PFS for short. Simpson Strong-Tie launched the PFS last spring to provide designers, builders and contractors in prescriptive markets with a simple and cost-effective solution to meet...

#12254 Cover image
September 2020
Issue #12254
Page 122

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