One Size Can Fit All

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Issue #15293 - December 2023 | Page #38
By Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

2023 was quite a year for Feeding the Beast of all sizes. That is a testament to the simplicity, utility, and robustness of our Process Organization Technology. The RetroC as a standalone auto-feeding component saw can anchor truss plants of all sizes from a single truss jig to over 10 jigs. A Lumber PickLine can efficiently feed any linear saw and any component saw. PlantOne TV/Projection can be put over any truss jig. All these elements can be implemented individually, however the system works best as a fully loaded RetroC with SpeedCatch. [For all photos, See PDF or View in Full Issue.]

For the 5-person truss plant shown in the first photo, all 5 people were trained on the operation of the RetroC. Wood processing is simple with an auto-feeding component saw. Follow the pick list, load the front deck, cut the lumber, and then catch the lumber. The RetroC cuts so fast that the designated sawyer can clear the front deck and then catch the lumber. The designated lumber picker gathers the lumber on a forklift while the 3 other workers keep building trusses on the C-Clamp jig. The lumber picker can also catch lumber in between picking lumber. When the sawyer and the lumber picker have cut enough lumber, they go back to help build trusses.

In a larger truss plant like the one getting set up in the next photo, the RetroC will be a full-time sawing operation feeding multiple truss jigs with a minimum of 3 people – a lumber picker, a sawyer, and lumber catcher(s). This large multi-jig truss plant is being set up with a forklift-fed RetroC with manual lumber catching. Budget permitting, a lumber PickLine and SpeedCatch will be future welcome additions. The RetroC will easily handle the more efficient lumber picking and the higher throughput of cut pieces using SpeedCatch without adding additional labor.

The labor savings of SpeedCatch (no dedicated lumber catchers) on the back of a RetroC is enhanced further with automatically filled paired SpeedCatch carts that collate the cut parts through software.

In front of the truss build jigs, the SpeedCatch carts are color-integrated with PlantOne to further boost truss production by reducing the touches and the hunt for lumber.

There’s always room for a Lumber PickLine when we can utilize existing forklift travel paths. Shown here is a unique single-sided PickLine with a walkway (which they use for walking their dogs, too!).

A PickLine is production lumber and not lumber storage. Dense lumber storage is shown in the background in the next photo. Note how the lumber PickLine simply follows the previous forklift path to the saw.

When you’re ready to Feed Your Beast and see these efficient and effective systems for yourself, let us know! Inside and out, LimTek Process Organization Technology will help you squeeze out more truss production and deliver quality trusses with shorter lead times to better service your customers by organizing your truss fabrication processes to maximize your investment in automation.

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