
Thom McAnally

The Hiring Zone: Dad’s Advice…

When raising my kids, I had a few zingers that seem just as appropriate today, at this moment in time. I thought I would share them with you. I don’t own them, didn’t create them, or even profess to following them 100%, but I usually see one or more of them at fault when I...

#12256 Cover image
November 2020
Issue #12256
Page 88
Matt Layman

Lumber Briefs: Lumber Market Forecast

Matt Layman

2020 Hindsight 2020 hindsight. Deduce deeper. Look farther than the end of my nose and keep asking, “What’s next?” I didn’t do that at the beginning of the pandemic. I failed to consider how men specifically would respond to the lockdown. I saw hangout at home, catch...

#12256 Cover image
November 2020
Issue #12256
Page 94
Mike Wisnefski

Premium Defined

Mike Wisnefski

The American Lumber Standard first published a standard for lumber in 1924 which delineated lumber sizes and assigned design value methods, classification, inspection procedures, the National Grading Rule, an accreditation program, and other specified functions. It was the first foray into such...

#12256 Cover image
November 2020
Issue #12256
Page 102
Gary Fleisher

The Next Evolution in Modular Has Started

Gary Fleisher

When the first automobiles began showing up on the streets more than 100 years ago, most were built in barns and warehouses one at a time. There were no car dealers as the two or three person shop that built them also sold them. Car builders began popping up in every small town in the...

#12256 Cover image
November 2020
Issue #12256
Page 108
Craig Webb

Polls Done 13 Months Apart Show Covid Is Nudging Builders Toward Off-Site Construction

Craig Webb

Like scientists tracking a slow-moving glacier, a leading pollster of America’s builders is seeing signs that contractors’ views are warming when it comes to off-site construction. The research by Ed Hudson, director of market research at the Home Innovation Research Labs,...

#12256 Cover image
November 2020
Issue #12256
Page 114
Omer Abdullah

Winning The Rat Race...

Omer Abdullah

Many years ago, one of my closest friends was discussing career choices with his father and in that conversation, his father told him something that I thought was on point, and profound. He said: “Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat…” There are...

#12256 Cover image
November 2020
Issue #12256
Page 118
Jesse Russell

Risk-Taking Innovation Leads to New FRP Strengthening Application

Jesse Russell

At Simpson Strong-Tie, we’re always seeking out new opportunities for innovation while helping customers find solutions to new challenges. In fact, “relentless customer focus” and “risk-taking innovation” are two of our nine company values. These two values recently...

#12256 Cover image
November 2020
Issue #12256
Page 130
Joe Kannapell

The Last Word: The Last Word on Staying Home

Joe Kannapell

Take it from me, being there is half of the battle, and Zoom meetings don’t count. This was true 50 years ago when I was working in our office, and it was true last week when I was in front of customers. There may be a price to pay, but the dividends will surely come back to you, as they...

#12256 Cover image
November 2020
Issue #12256
Page 147
Anna Stamm

Advertiser Forum: Make Your Own BCMC This Year

Anna Stamm

Last month, Joe Kannapell took us on a terrific tour of BCMCs past in his column, The Last Word on 2020 BCMC – Virtually! Because we cannot attend an in-person BCMC show this fall, I’ve been thinking about ways to capture some of the spirit of BCMC. Step 1. See Products Without...

#12255 Cover image
October 2020
Issue #12255
Page 6
Joe Kannapell

Sixty Years of Machines, Part XI: Auto-Jigging Innovations

Joe Kannapell

Clyde Fredrickson, a CM in the remote reaches of South Dakota, was determined to find a cheaper solution to the $250,000+ auto-jigging systems. So, he worked through several alternate ways to shorten setup times, like printing out Jigset coordinates, and moving pucks manually to designated...

#12255 Cover image
October 2020
Issue #12255
Page 10

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