The 3D Model Everyone Can Access

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Issue #13265 - August 2021 | Page #52
By Tracy Roe

Information is the key to almost everything. In our lives and in our jobs, we rely on obtaining pertinent and accurate details so that we can make informed decisions. In our industry, we are heavily reliant on information and details from each customer, whether they are a homeowner, a building designer, an architect, or even an engineer. The details matter, and we need to communicate them clearly to achieve the best finished product.

Because information is key, a significant constraint for many truss fabricators is the ability to obtain and share accurate and timely information. When a truss fabricator is ready to send information back into the construction process channel for approvals, the methods for sharing can be tedious, time consuming, and generally difficult. But fortunately, Eagle has developed the TrueBuild® Cloud which will solve these constraints.

An Interactive Viewport

TrueBuild® Cloud offers an interactive viewport for truss and wall panel models. The fabricator simply sends a link of the model via email. That’s it—one model link is all you need. With our process, there’s no need for cumbersome apps, and no variations across different software versions. Everyone with an internet connection will see exactly the same model. For an architect reviewing a detail question, a framer checking installation, or a homeowner visualizing their ceiling, the interactive viewport makes the process simple and easy.

What’s more, after opening the model, the user has control over the viewport options. This means each person in the process can control what, and how much, they “see” at any time. You can hide layers, hide sheathing and planes, and even suppress labels. Everyone has access to a true 3D model that can be spun, flipped, zoomed, and flown through at your fingertips. Importantly, the link sent by the truss fabricator is view-only, so none of the other users can control changes to your model or your truss drawings, but they can still see every detail. [For images, See PDF or View in Full Issue.]

The interactive viewport even helps when working with potential customers. A truss fabricator who uses TrueBuild® Cloud for all of his approvals has exclaimed, “It easily helps me close 15–20% more jobs by being able to show my customers exactly what they are going to get.” Showing the genuine possibilities that you can provide for your customers lets them literally see for themselves why you are their fabricator of choice.

Start making plans now to see TrueBuild® Cloud in action at BCMC 2021 in Omaha in October. In the meantime, if you would like more information on this or any of our TrueBuild® software solutions, please contact us. TrueBuild® by Eagle Metal. Empowering Great Component Manufacturers

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