Upgrade Your Plant with Optimizing Equipment

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Issue #13265 - August 2021 | Page #64
By Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

Every year, I assist with, on average, 20 plant upgrades. Although each one is unique, they have certain things in common. Most importantly, these component manufacturers have agreed that they want to capture greater efficiencies and maximize their production with customized and optimized best practices for their business.

I’ve said it before and it bears repeating – time is money, so solving your legacy inefficiencies presents an opportunity for your plant to increase production, save time, and save money by eliminating constraints.

LimTek and Enventek have researched and developed process organization technology to resolve plant inefficiencies. What’s more, our process organization software modules can work with third-party systems as well as with the machinery technology we can provide for a fully integrated system.

Upgrade to a Lumber Pick Line

Do you still use inefficient, expensive, and labor-intensive “forklift lumber picking” at your operation? If so, then you need to consider the benefits of an Enventek Lumber PickLine. Not only will you reclaim idle time from your automated saws, you’ll also be able to put your employees’ time to better use. The increased output and redistributed labor costs will mean increased production for your plant.

Upgrade to an AutoFeed Component Saw

When you replace your cell phone or TV set, do you want the same model you’ve been using or do you want an upgrade? Most people will say, “Upgrade!” When you’re thinking about replacing a saw in your operation, it only makes sense to consider an upgrade there too. Not only will the AutoFeed RetroC deliver the high-end production output of a component saw, its standard auto-feed feature means increased productivity and efficiency. The RetroC is military grade reliable with minimal maintenance, requires just 30 minutes of training, and has an optional SpeedCatch autofill cart device (which means that your lumber catchers can be moved to other duties just like those forklift drivers you used to need at your plant).

Material Handling ROI

Whether you’re thinking about upgrading one saw or upgrading your entire material handling process, please give me a call. The #1 goal at Enventek is to provide robust top of the line equipment that is not only smart but also cost effective. We have customizable solutions to help organize your truss manufacturing processes that are designed to be rapidly integrated with accelerated ROI into existing truss plants. We will organize the process with minimal disruption, and you get to manage the process when we are done. Our process organization technology will help you to continue developing your people as well as enhance your investment in third party automation, autopucks, lasers, and robotics. Let us help you upgrade with a customized solution based on your plant and your needs.

Contact us when you are ready to take your organization to the next level: Edmond.Lim@LimTekSolutions.com, 416-888-4457 (cell), and http://www.limteksolutions.com.

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