Anticipation and Optimization

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Issue #15288 - July 2023 | Page #46
By Edmond Lim, P.Eng.

A greenfield truss plant is a rare opportunity to implement processes as designed within start-up constraints without the push-back of change by existing plant personnel. It is a breeze to teach and train new people to follow our process organization technology as laid out in a brand new plant. But any plant can be upgraded to improve efficiencies and maximize output. [For all photos, See PDF or View in Full Issue.]

Implementing our complete process is what I call “A Fully Loaded RetroC,” which consists of a lumber PickLine feeding a RetroC auto-feeding component saw cutting collated parts that automatically fill paired SpeedCatch carts that will then be displayed on PlantOne TVs over the truss build tables color-coded for intuitive efficient truss assembly. For an existing truss plant with existing processes and seasoned staff, change is never easy. Add to the challenge that truss orders still need to be produced on schedule during the plant re-tooling, new software installation and training, and the training of both day and night truss production shifts to boot. The good thing is that this is not our first rodeo and we are attuned to the challenges and resistance to change to be encountered along the way and we have the experience to get the job done on time and within budget.

Picking lumber will see substantial change and improvement with the implementation of a Lumber PickLine. The photo shows the day shift and management getting hands-on training and getting a bit excited to have their world turned upside down! The body language is priceless. Everyone was on board, excited, and ready to go as they got familiar with the new simplified processes.

Ripping out the conveyors in front of the tables that were fed collated lumber by forklift and then downloaded by hand was the most intrusive change for the truss builders. Upgrading to collated carts creates virtual conveyors with greater production flexibility, better organization, and more maneuverability for the truss builders. Shown are the fixed conveyors “before” and the constrained space that will be freed up.

A new 85 ft x 135 ft saw shop addition was added, anchored by the auto-feeding RetroC and 100 autofill carts. No more linear saw “mini-batches.” A switch to larger quantity collated symmetrically batched truss production will increase truss production just by reducing the number of setup changeovers by increasing the batch sizes, which is what a fully loaded RetroC excels at doing. Need more production? Just add more carts as the RetroC will fillthem.

It does not take the RetroC long to fill carts with symmetrically batched and collated carts that will roll out directly to the truss tables in order. A sea of filled lumber carts will positively push the truss builders.

Carts flow in-line to the tables and PlantOne TVs intuitively show color-coded pieces and cart placement to optimize truss assembly by minimizing travel distance and eliminating wasted time looking for pieces. The truss builders embraced the change and really put in the effort to make the change successful and as painless as possible. At this plant, they liked it so much that another 50 carts were ordered to create a larger collated parts buffer.

The PlantOne TVs ensure that the truss builders are attuned to the job they’re tasked with completing. No fumbling with paper in this plant – everyone can see what the designer has designed and the software has produced. With our organization and optimization, no job is too complicated. Where a typical plant will struggle, our system will keep production running smoothly as we Feed the Beast!

From PickLine to RetroC to build tables, the entire production process is efficient and effective. Whether it’s a greenfield plant or a location that has spanned generations, our process improvements will take production to the next level.

When you’re ready to see these efficient and effective systems for yourself, let us know! Inside and out, LimTek Process Organization Technology will help you squeeze out more truss production and deliver quality trusses with shorter lead times to better service your customers by organizing your truss fabrication processes to maximize your investment in automation.

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