Building a Reputation for Reliability with Full Support

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Issue #13265 - August 2021 | Page #19
By Cullen Ellis

Working in our industry in several different roles and being around equipment for a long time now, I have seen what gets a piece of machinery a good reputation – it’s reliability. I have lost count of the number of times I have been talking to someone about the old Klaisler rolsplicer, which has been around 50+ years, and they have commented, “We have one of those and it is still going strong.” Although it is not a complicated piece of machinery, it is testament to the way it was and is still being built now by Spida USA. It is this sentiment as a machinery manufacturer you strive to have with all of the equipment that leaves your factory.

So, in addition to great machinery, what do you need? A good maintenance program! The companies that I have seen with the least downtime due to machinery breakdowns run very well-scheduled preventative maintenance programs on all of their equipment. These companies understand that, just like your car, these machines need regular maintenance to perform at their best (and unlike a car, the machinery makes you money!). Preventative maintenance can be done internally or by qualified technicians who know the machinery inside and out. Even with preventative maintenance (or mainly without) all machinery is subject to breakdowns, so it is important to know that the company you have purchased equipment from is as determined as you are to see you back up and running in the shortest amount of time.

Over the past few years, Spida USA has been putting together a service and install crew who are dedicated to keeping our customers’ machinery installed right and functioning well for many years to come. It’s not easy to find the right balance of someone who is prepared to travel, has good trouble-shooting ability, good mechanical, electrical and computer skills, and also good “people” skills. But we have assembled a good core group of these guys and, although we are scattered across the US, we work very well as a team, often coming together on some of the bigger installations. We have our new service techs side by side with our experienced crew, and it usually takes 9–12 months of on-the-job training before we release them out on their own. With a variety of different machinery and software to deal with, they are learning more and more on a daily basis.

Our team prides itself on being there for our customers, be it in person, via phone, or live internet support. As we work to expand our preventative maintenance program across the country, we’re looking forward to continue building on the foundations and principles we already have in place. I am really proud of the machinery that we produce and of the team we have assembled to support it. Our team has shown me time and time again they are willing to do what it takes to keep our customers happy. Be assured that if you are looking to purchase Spida equipment, we are in it with you and will have your back today, tomorrow, and long into the future.

You're reading an article from the August 2021 issue.

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